Heroes, "Healing" Emma/Peter [rated G]

Apr 05, 2010 14:24

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Healing
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Emma/Peter
Word Count: 472
Genre: Friendship
Spoilers/Warnings: Season 4 end. No warnings.
Notes: Written for the "I've been summoned" theme at heroes_contest.

Summary: Emma finds the confidence to use her powers again.

Emma hisses. She relaxes when the antiseptic seeps into the scabs on her hands, and she covers them up with clean bandages. For a moment, she stares at her wounds and remembers how she got them. She shudders when she thinks of what she almost did, and if it weren’t for Peter and his friend, she really could have been responsible for all of those people’s lives.

Her powers are both wonderful and dangerous. She knows that now. She thinks she should be scared like she was when she first discovered them, but Emma is surprisingly calm. She doesn’t feel like she has to deal with them by herself anymore, and she’s glad she can call Peter if her powers make her scared or unsure.

He’s told her before that her powers could evolve; she could have facets to her abilities that she’s never imagined before. It awes her and makes her cautious.

She just doesn’t know if she can pick up a cello again, or any instrument for that matter. She admits that sometimes she’s tempted. Drawing people toward her like a siren is extraordinary, and she fantasizes with mild embarrassment at the possibilities of exploring such a gift.

She’s finishing up dinner one night in her apartment alone, and idly she thinks of Peter. On impulse, Emma taps lightly on her empty wineglass with a fork. She watches as the sound turns into bright purple and pink waves, and she continues to tap, watching and wishing for Peter to come.

She waits. It’s a half hour before he shows up wearing his paramedic uniform, and he seems winded and confused, but when he looks into her eyes, he relaxes as he understands.

“You used your power again,” he says happily when she reads his lips. He rewards her with his trademark, tilted smile, and his eyes fall on the method that she summoned him.

“I didn’t use the cello,” she says, and Emma looks at her hands and admits, “I don’t think I can again.”

“Well,” he says, and he steps over to her in the kitchen, and he puts his hand lightly over hers, making sure he doesn’t irritate her healing wounds. She returns his smile, and Emma doesn’t mind the way Peter’s hand presses warmly over hers. He picks up the fork she used, and he pings her glass lightly as a wave of color floats around them. “I see you’ve proved that you can use other things to make music.”

His observation delights her. She’s been so upset about what happened she hasn’t realized it yet; that her powers can grow just fine without Samuel’s cello. Peter’s assurance only makes it more real to her, and for the first time since the plight with the carnival, Emma starts to feel more hopeful about the future of her abilities.

heroes, emma, peter, peter/emma, emma/peter

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