Inuyasha, "Together They Fight" Miroku/Sango drabble

Jan 18, 2010 09:13

*My help_haiti thread is still up here. Bids close Jan. 20, noon eastern time.

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Together They Fight
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Miroku/Sango
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Genre: Drama
Characters/Pairings: Sango, Miroku
Spoilers/Notes: None. Canon. Written for the "Faint" theme at mirsan_fics.

Summary: She doesn't fight alone anymore.

They crouched in the bushes, concealed by the shadows of the forest and the canopy of night. Sango inhaled lightly, and her weapon itched at her side.

Hunting demons was her life, and she fought things that made a normal woman faint at the first encounter.

She wasn’t normal, though, and when men would scorn her, women would fear her. Once upon a time it used to bother her - alienate her from others.

Not anymore…

“Are you ready?” Miroku’s breath was a soothing comfort against her neck.

When she nodded, they moved swiftly together, ready for the next battle.

miroku, miroku/sango, sango, inuyasha

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