Heroes, "Take What You've Already Lost" Peter/Claire, R

Aug 20, 2009 22:33

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Take What You've Already Lost
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R
Word Count: 500
Genre: Angst/Darkfic
Characters/Pairings: (Future)Peter/Claire
Warnings: Sexual situations
Spoilers: Volume 3, specifically "The Second Coming" and "I Am Become Death"
Notes: AU. 2nd person. Written for the "Loss" theme at pairechallenge.

Summary: Claire loves him; she wants him, but they are no longer on the same side.

Yesterday you were family, and suddenly that definition falls to the wayside and other things become more important. The risks become deadlier, and your worries seem insignificant.

You no longer have patience.

He’s whining and talking about saving the world, and you just want him to shut up.

So you push him on the couch, and he coughs a little in surprise, and you refuse to let the awkwardness win. You defeat it all - the anger, the guilt, the hesitation.

Leather against leather hisses with a scathing whine, and your hands burn against his taught shoulders as you hold him down.

You get what you came for, and as you push your lips onto his, you don’t even care if he protests.

When he doesn’t, you dip your hand downward and yank the zipper on his pants.


On a muggy day, you feel regretful and sensitive and you wonder how you both came to this. He’s caressing your shoulder, and his hand is callused and cold against your bare skin, and he’s brushing his fingers through your dark hair, and he’s trailing kisses down your face.

He tells you things are alright, and it sounds like a lullaby a father sings to his daughter, and you shiver and try to think of something else.

Death. Victory. Anything but this, but you know you’ve already lost. He may warm your bed, but you know he’s no longer on your side.

You try to keep your eyes open; you try to fuck and tumble all night long, but you can’t stay awake forever. You worry; you know that he’ll leave you by morning.

You kiss him and wrap your lips around his cock, and he moans for you and his legs shudder around your head.

But you lose in the end. In the morning he’s gone, and you know the deal.

If you see him on the battlefield, you have to stand against him on the other line. You have to stop him, even if it means you lose something else besides your soul - your heart; he’s always had it, and he keeps it within the shadows of his eyes and on the tip of his tongue.

Next time you see him, you’ll remember to use your teeth.


You meet him again, and you aim your gun, and he looks at you with pity, and you almost don’t love him. But you can’t cry anymore, because you sold all your tears to become a Company girl.

He looks at you, and you can only think about how you’ll miss having him inside you when he’s dead.

You pull the trigger. He frowns, and the world hiccups.

You blink and he’s gone, predictably, and a part of you is relieved. A part of you wants to throw down the gun and run away with him.

You can’t. The world is different now, and for people like Peter, he lives to lose.

And you live just to wake up again - rested.

heroes, peter/claire, peter, claire, challenge

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