Heroes, "She Sees" Molly Walker, rated G

Jul 02, 2009 11:09

Fandom: Heroes
Title: She Sees
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: G
Characters: Molly, Matt, mentions of Mohinder, Sylar, and Molly's parents
Genre: Drama/General
Spoilers: Season 3
Word Count: 432
Notes: Written for #11 - "The girl as helper in the hero’s fight." for 100_fairytales.

Summary: Molly sees the people in her life in an assortment of colors, from protective to frightening.

The first time she sees them they come in an assortment of colors, blending together like paint and water swirling around each other and trapped above a plugged drain.

Her mother is the first she sees because she is a comfortable beacon in a mass of so many blobs and shapes. She is familiar and warm within a golden white. She feels her close by, her calming color shining in a sea of blurry indigo in the room downstairs.

With her father she sees rich violet, commanding and protective. He enters the house after work, and his color grabs a hold of her senses and brings her under his protective umbrella.

Of course, that’s what used to be her parent’s colors, and when they died, their colors faded to nothingness, without even a spark of hue left for her to remember them by.

He takes them away from her, with a color so red and horribly fierce she thinks he’s set fire to her house.

It isn’t too much longer that her hero comes, a shining silver among the dull colors of the people bobbing about. She hides from them all, still feeling the residual red color of the monster seeping underneath her skin.

Matt Parkman pulls her away from that fear. His color outshines anyone she’s ever known, even her parents. It’s a feeling about him she will never forget.

Then, there’s the Mohinder Suresh who saves her from the virus. His colors are cool and methodical, sometimes shining an uncertain green. When he’s near, she feels a sense of healing and strong compassion. She only wishes he could see that in himself.

Together they make a comfortable family, different from her first family, but bringing her under a contained sanctuary away from monsters and away from the red.

Molly Walker steps off the plane in LaGuardia Airport, and she spots the colors in the sunset. She turns around and feels on the protective silver of Matt Parkman waiting for her, with three other people she’s never met. She frowns when Mohinder appears absent, and she knows by the look in Matt’s face that something is wrong.

The sanctuary is disrupted, and like always before, the colors she keeps to memory never stay the same. The people with him pick up her bags, and Matt puts and arm around her and she can feel him touching her mind.

There’s an undercurrent of tension in the air. She’s not home because it’s safe now; she’s home because she’s needed in their fight to wander through the ocean of swirling hues once again.

heroes, molly, matt, 100_fairytales, sylar, mohinder

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