Twilight, "Adaptation" Bella, Renee/Charlie

Mar 24, 2009 09:13

Fandom: Twilight
Title: Adaptation
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Bella, former Renee/Charlie
Rated: G
Genre: Drama/Introspection
Prompt: Free theme at switzerland_100
Word Count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: None.

Summary: She remembers the change vividly.

Bella vividly remembered the day her parents separated, like a motion picture drowned in fluid grays and blues. She hated the way her father looked at her mother longingly, as if she knew he really didn't want to do this, but her mom had made up her mind anyway.

Her father was giving up, bowing out, and he was too damaged to put up a fight.

A thought scared her. Maybe there was really nothing to fight for.

Bella watched the cold awkward stares between them, and she promised herself that she’d never ruin her own love like that someday.

renee/charlie, twilight, bella swan, renee [twilight]

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