Inuyasha, "Troublesome Human Girls" Jaken+Rin, rated G

Jun 25, 2005 22:16

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Troublesome Human Girls
Theme: Pet Peeve
Characters: Jaken+Rin
Genre: Drama
Word Count: 247
Warnings: maybe a tissue needage
Summary: He never thought he'd get used to her bothering him.

Jaken always thought human girls were troublesome.

In Rin’s case, she was always noisy, jabbering about this or that in her little human-girl squeaks. She was always bringing him useless things like flower necklaces and food he couldn’t eat. And she was always hugging him and giving him big toothy smiles for no reason.

‘Such a nuisance!’ Jaken huffed.

Later on, he also thought that even as a growing adult she was annoying, going through mood swings he couldn’t fathom how to fix or subdue.

He felt Sesshoumaru was punishing him by always sticking him with her as she grew up.

And her annoyances would never end. She would constantly come to him for irrelevant matters of courtship, gossip, and her personal interests. The way she clung to him was bothersome indeed.

Yet, after awhile Rin’s reliance on him became less of a bother, and he started to become used to it. And when he came to the last day she would rely on him, his body froze and he didn’t know how to feel.

“Jaken-sama,” she said with a voice heavily scarred by age. She covered her wrinkled hand over his scaly one. She smiled at his stunned face. “Thank you.”

That was when Sesshoumaru had left the room of her passing, but Jaken had remained just a few minutes more. With brewing tears, he stood there with her inanimate hand still over his, wishing she would wake up and bother him once again.


rin, inuyasha

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