Inuyasha, "Admirer" Kohaku/Rin, rated PG

Jan 09, 2009 16:09

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Admirer
Characters/Pairings: Kohaku/Rin focused, other canon pairings
Prompt: "Joy" for 10_themes
Spoilers: Post-manga
Rating: PG
Genre: General/Romance/Adventure
Word Count: 470
Notes: 1/10 chronicles of Kohaku's point of view and experiences in a post-manga setting.

Summary: Kohaku returns home to find a joyful Rin, and realizes it's the beginning of something new between them.


Kohaku stepped off Kirara and set his wind-blown hair free from his usual pony tail. He tied his hair in a tighter tail and looked ahead to his sister’s village. He held back a grimace at being sucked into the usual crowd. Now that Kagome had two little ones to add to his sister’s four, it was crowded more than ever.

“Kohaku-kun!” A voice called for him, and he knew he couldn’t turn back now. Suddenly, a female mass of joy tackled him. He could barely hold her off to keep from falling over himself.

“Rin-chan, hey, I’m back,” he said shyly, looking everywhere but her shining face. He had a habit of getting sucked into staring at her lately, which always left him feeling very awkward and confused. “Where are my sister and Miroku-sama?”

“Back in the house getting dinner ready. I saw you coming from the sky, and I already told them you were here.” Her grin became contagious despite the anxiety in his stomach.

“Okay, so anything exciting happen while I was away?” Kohaku asked, while walking with her as a smaller Kirara followed him.

“Kagome-san is pregnant again. I think Sango-san and Miroku-sama are trying for another one too.” Rin laughed at Kohaku’s audible groan. “And Sesshoumaru-sama brought me a new dress.” She looked to the ground with a blush. “Do you want to see it, Kohaku-kun?”

Kohaku raised an eye brow, a little taken aback by her question. “Eh? Well, I guess so.”

Rin beamed and skipped happily next to him toward Miroku’s house.


“Miroku-sama,” Kohaku asked in a low voice. “Is something up with Rin-chan? She seems…different.”

“Oh, in what way? You mean as in a growing young woman?” There was a leering look in the monk’s eyes that Kohaku did not appreciate.

“She asked me if I wanted to see her new dress,” the boy confessed bluntly, still confused.

“Ah, I see. Well, Rin-chan thinks a great deal of you, and whenever you’re around, she seems very happy. She’s always curious about where you’re going and when you’re coming back to the village. She’s turning fifteen next year.” Miroku’s smile showed too much teeth. “She’s good with the children too.”

It was not the answer Kohaku wanted. “That is a problem.” Kohaku said with a delicate frown.

“Oh? How so?” As if the monk needed to ask! Kohaku cleared his throat.

Kohaku turned to Miroku, and he felt defeated. “It means I’ll have to visit the village more often, won’t I?”

Miroku clamped a hand on his shoulder. They both looked at Rin, who bounced over quickly to show off her new kimono. Kohaku had to admit, she looked really pretty in it.

Miroku chuckled next to him. “I don’t see anything wrong with that, do you?”

Kohaku couldn’t disagree.

10themes, rin, kohaku/rin, kohaku chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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