Inuyasha, "A View to a Breakfast" Sess/Kag, PG-13

Dec 16, 2008 10:25

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: A View to a Breakfast
Pairing/Characters: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 297
Theme: "Breakfast" at ebony_silks
Universe: Canon-ish
Summary: Kagome thought, this was totally better than breakfast.

A View to a Breakfast

Traditionally, breakfast consisted of fried fish, some natto and a bowl of rice. Once in awhile, Kagome remembered her mother making Tamagoyaki or even American-style pancakes on the weekends for a treat. However, Kagome did not realize there were other types of breakfast out there, and she wasn't talking about food either.

She woke up that crisp morning and felt the need to take a bath. In her routine, she grabbed her towel and toiletries and sauntered to the nearby woods. And then it happened, like some sort of cliche and sordid trick that someone was playing on her. There, in the very lake where she intended to bathe, stood Sesshoumaru in his full, mouth-watering nude glory.

Clamping a hand over her mouth, she moved to run back to camp. What would happen if the ferocious, murdering demon found her peeping on him? Which limb would she lose first? Or maybe he'd just fling acid at her. That seemed to be his M.O.

But Kagome hesitated. Wait. Couldn't he totally sense her anyway?

Kagome watched him. He sniffed, his back still turned to her. He ran his claws through his hair and tossed the strands over his shoulder. Then, Kagome knew why she was still alive and able to witness this alluring event.

Sesshoumaru didn't care. She wasn't worth his time, and he obviously didn't mind if she saw him in undress. He was a freaking demon! When he transformed he turned into a giant, hairy, naked dog!

Kagome leaned back against the tree and treated herself the benefit of the morning view. If he wasn't modest, she wouldn't be either. Eyeing the naked form in front of her, she realized the gift of witnessing such a tantilizing scene.

She smiled. It was definitely better than Tamagoyaki.

sess/kag, inuyasha

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