Heroes, "Run" Peter/Claire, rated PG

Aug 12, 2008 15:23

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Run
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Claire
Word Count: 495
Notes: Canon Paire. Written for the "Speed" challenge at pairechallenge.

Summary: He ran for what he believed in. She followed.

Life on the run was never easy.

“Hurry, Claire! They’re coming,” Peter shouted. She threw him a petulant eye-roll before they were off. He’d grab her arm; they’d turn invisible, or fly, or teleport - they all felt the same to her when in a rush. She never knew the destination until the air returned to her lungs and the white was blinked away from her eyes.

“Well, if you keep yelling that loud they’re going to keep finding us,” Claire intoned, pouting as the Slusho she was holding hadn’t come over in their jump through space.

Peter shot her a sly grin, one of those grins that made her forget he was her uncle.

Or the reason why they were on the run.

“They won’t find us in Paris,” Peter said smoothly, his optimism as Teflon-coated as the first day she met him.

Claire looked around and noticed the Eiffel tower looming into the night sky. Time waited for a moment as they fell out of the fast pace of the chase. The air was cool and still against her skin. Peter looked down at her anxiously, awaiting her response to their new ‘home’ when they no longer claimed one.

Claire inwardly shrugged. She didn’t share in Peter’s unending confidence. The place was as good as any - as long as the Company and Angela Petrelli was no where in sight.

“Nice, huh? We can find an apartment, and maybe I can fake some IDs for jobs.”

Yes, Claire thought. Peter’s powers knew no bounds. He could do just about anything - go just about anywhere.

She tried to not appear too disappointed. They’d leave this place just like the rest, and all of that effort would be wasted. She smiled up at her hero anyway.

“Well, at least we’re legal here.” Uncles and nieces could be together in France, right? As far as Claire knew, people could marry their cats if they wanted.

Peter shirked off her reply as if he didn’t hear it all. In his world, they weren’t doing anything wrong at all. To Peter - love, emotions and things like destiny outweighed the harsh realities of the world, and that small strand of happiness was worth fighting for beyond responsibility and taboo.

At least, to Claire, that was how Peter saw the changing world. That was why they were here - running away from those who would take it all away.

She felt the feather touch of his lips on her forehead, and her cynical thoughts began to melt away. And when she met his eyes, she knew that she was done analyzing. He took her hand gently into his and gave a comforting squeeze.

“Let’s go,” he said, and like their lives in motion, Claire sped past the dubious thoughts in her mind without allowing them to settle into fruition.

As Peter pulled her along, Claire knew despite it all she’d follow him anywhere - with their pasts fading several heartbeats behind them.


heroes, peter/claire, peter, claire, challenge, drabble

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