Heroes - "Promise" Victoria/Angela, PG-13

Jul 01, 2008 21:37

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Promise
Rated: PG-13
Word Count: 423
Pairing: light Victoria/Angela
Notes/Spoilers: Season 2 "Truth and Consequences". Written for the "Vows" drabble challenge at heroes_contest.

Summary: Sometimes promises are not as strong as fears.


She makes promises into her ear, and the words roll off the shell lightly. She feels her wise hands roll over her body, caressing lines over her own maturing skin. She closes her eyes and soaks in the words.

Victoria feels Angela Petrelli smile against her.

It may have been a kiss. It may have been a bite. Victoria doesn’t really know because she’s too far caught up in this daze, and it feels more than good - more than surreal.

Angela cups her jaw, and those dark eyes peer into hers. Doubt washes away as she feels more and more of the woman’s touch.

How could she not trust her now? Her mind is filled with her, and she knows nothing but Angela Petrelli’s word.


Morning comes, and Victoria leaves the shotgun for the first time back at home while she goes for kindling for the upcoming winter.

She walks halfway down the path and hears the birds rustle in the forest. She senses their panic, and she knows herself how unease really feels.

How many years has she lived with this fear? Originally, she thinks today is different. There has to have been enough time by now.

And Angela Petrelli can’t break her vow. She just can’t.

She hears owls hooting and clamoring in the distance.

Victoria clutches the fine pile of timber to her chest and sprints back to the house.


Angela feels the trickle of blood stream out her nose. She can taste it, but it doesn’t bother her. The recent pain in her head begins to dull slowly before he digs and burns into her brain again.

She glares at her opponent, eyes tight with the fury of revenge. She just wishes she could touch him - show him exactly what she can do. Yet, she waits.

Angela remembers the days of life and death promises and feminine flesh sliding together.

She just can’t let the telepath win.


Victoria can sense distress in the air. She hears the cry of nature reeling from unnatural intruders.

She picks up her shot gun and loads her pockets up with ammo. She quietly moves out the back door of her house and looks up at the graying sky.

Strange voices sound like ghosts within her sanctuary. Her heart breaks just a little as a dark haired woman’s image flashes in her head.

Then, she heads down the stoop to the flowerbed and sits down and begins to weave her hands through the dirt. Sighing, she waits for her inevitable guests.


heroes, angela/victoria, angela

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