Avatar, "Love is Like a Plague" Mai/Zuko, Ty Lee/Azula implied

Apr 29, 2008 10:29

Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Title: Love is Like a Plague
Characters/Pairings: Zuko/Mai, Azula/Ty Lee implied
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor/Romance/a bit of CRACK
Word Count: 1244
Spoilers/Warnings: some sexual innuendos, Spoilers up to "The Beach"
Notes: Just got a little inspiration for my thoughts on Mai/Zuko, which turned out kind of CRACK- ( Read more... )

avatar, zuko/mai, zuko, azula/ty lee, azula

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turkoizdog April 30 2008, 07:59:33 UTC
Oh boy, this was awesome. :D
Heh, I found the whole sex-in-entrails idea a combo of funny, interesting, and cute. :P
And yay for Tyzula, even though it wasn't the main point. The world needs more fics about the almost-canon ships. :)
Heh, I couldn't really see Ty being bi tho. She seems too naive in canon, but it works here.
But I do wonder what their kids'll be like. Morbid no doubt. Good fighters, dark, and eye-blindingly pale.


quirkysmuse April 30 2008, 14:11:44 UTC
Haha, the Tyzula was just a subtle additive, which amused me. Hey, writing the whole thing amused me so I guess that's saying something.

Oh, lord, now I'm going to have to write a fic centered around Zuko's and Mai's kids. For some reason I'm picturing similar knock-off versions of Wednesday and Pugsly Addams. :3


turkoizdog May 1 2008, 05:51:26 UTC
Tyzula amuses me too. :) Add something else to the list of things the world needs more of.

You totally should :D And LOL yeah, only a little more animated.

Hey, d'you know what happened to Hawky from that episode when Katara and Toph were fighting? He left to send a message to Toph's parents, and never came back. :/


quirkysmuse May 1 2008, 11:59:26 UTC
I probably will eventually. My muse is all over the place but I will agree that Avatar needs more femmslash.

I have no idea! Maybe a plothole by t he writers? I'd have to recheck that episode to see if they subtly implied something.


turkoizdog May 2 2008, 04:41:09 UTC
Definately. :D Yay!

I can only guess Toph's parents kept Hawky as 'something to remember her by'. Or poor Hawky got lost.


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