Inuyasha, "Sister" Kagura, Kanna, G

Jun 06, 2005 14:06

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Sister
Word Count: 268
Genre: Drama
Rating: G
Summary: She would always call him "Sister" because she could see HER in him.

Byakuya scowled at the lifeless, mirror-holding girl.

‘She must be a little confused,’ he thought to himself.

“Sister ...” she said, and then she began courier Naraku’s message to him.

“No, dear, I’m your brother.” He sighed with exasperation.

She slowly craned her head up to him so her gray eyes could meet his gaze. He could tell she was studying his face, taking in the bits and pieces that made up his looks. She just stared, not even blinking. After some silent amount of time, she made a motion to speak to him again. However, her face was blank, devoid of any visible revelation.

“Sister ...”

And even after looking at him for so long, her information remained misguided.

She wouldn’t respond to any of his corrections. She would just watch him with inanimate eyes and continue on as if she discovered nothing.

He scoffed, waving his hand in the air listlessly and turning away to do his mission. He knew people often thought that he shared his looks with the wind witch. Surely, he thought Kanna was sharp enough to know he was a different person.

He gave her a backward glance, discovering she was still watching him intensely as he walked away. He knew that she had been close to their deceased sister, but he never realized how much.

He heard her repeat “Sister,” as he disappeared out of her sight.

He knew Kanna was very loyal to Naraku, and she never had shared the same yearning for betrayal that their sister had. Seeing Kagura in him was probably the only way Kanna could remember her.


kagura, kanna, inuyasha

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