This might just be a petty side of me, but whenever I am skeptical of something not working out, I have to confirm its suckitude.
The friend who I broke it off with recently wanted to rent a home with a group of friends near the beach in California. I agreed to this initially because I thought we would choose something reasonable and actually on the beach. She insisted on Malibu and on a beachfront property. Being familiar with the terrain in Malibu myself, I know that many of the homes abut the beach but have minimal beach access (as tides permit) and that the best beaches are probably a few miles away. I also know that the properties are overpriced, poorly maintained, and right next to the highway.
Nonetheless, the group of friends insisted on renting this place despite reviews stating that it was right on the highway, entry for eight guests would be complicated, and the beach would not be accessible at all in the evenings. I pointed out that this place would not work, everyone would have to make huge adjustments compared to staying at a hotel, and that I was not really in agreement with the price (despite being $400, I would have to share a bedroom and feel trapped in a windowless room). My parents live a thirty-minute drive away so I backed out of the agreement before we had to pay. Of course, when our friendship ended, our disagreement was cited as a pattern for why our friendship ended. I would say her bad judgement and inability to trust me as an authority on a place I am intimately familiar with is more of a pattern.
So after the event happened I checked on the Yelp reviews for this place. She complained about it and said that she would never stay there again. Anyways, I want to screenshot this review and send it back to her in a text, but that would probably amplify the level of petty.