Re: Correctionsdarksoul99202December 24 2009, 02:17:54 UTC
"Or something like that?" How about "or NOTHING like that." What would you know about the direction my life has gone, anyway? You say you've seen Jacob over the past few years? Well, incidentally, I've been hanging out with Jacob for the past SEVERAL years. Jacob knows the direction my life has taken because he's been around me a lot for the last several years and you haven't and he doesn't have a problem with it. Therefore, Roy, shut your ass. Also, you think Jake stopped being my friend? Well, the userpic with this comment says you're a fool, if that's what you think. BTW, this pic wasn't taken a few years ago, it was taken today, December 23rd, 2009. So, you can forget about trying to say it could be a picture from a few years ago or anything like that, because this picture is only about a couple of hours old. Jacob & I never stopped being friends. You say I haven't changed or grown? Take a good look at yourself. You're the one who still runs his mouth about other people even though all you have to go on are your own assumptions instead of facts. At least if I talk trash about anyone, I make damn sure I can back it up. And if you knew Jacob as well as you think, you'd know his personality as almost as dark as my own. But that's of his own choosing, not because of any influence from me. OMT (one more thing), I live in the same reality as everyone else. I know the world doesn't revolve around me. Contrary to the BS you've convinced yourself of, I've always known that and have always been comfortable with that fact. Still am. You need to learn to stop confusing other people with yourself. Here's an idea: when someone is telling you something, try listening to what they are actually saying instead of only hearing what you want to hear. Something you obviously failed to do when Jacob told you about ME MOVING OUT OF HIS PLACE, not the opposite.
Re: Correctionsdarksoul99202December 24 2009, 23:23:56 UTC
Another thing. I never delighted in "remaining immature." OMFG where do you come up with this crap? I delighted (and still delight) in being myself. There is nothing immature about that and only small-minded, closed-minded ignorant fool would say otherwise. It's not my fault that you're too stupid, too ignorant and too arrogant to know the difference between being immature and being yourself. You may be calling me immature but everyone else who knows me knows for a fact that I am certainly more mature than you. Perhaps that's because, unlike you, these people actually know me, whereas you don't know me at all. If anyone here is is living in a reality that revolves around himself, it's you, Roy. And if you knew me as well as you claim you do, you would know that I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for hypocrites. And people like Jacob and I know that's exactly what you are but you're too blinded by your own ego and your own pride to see it. If you can't handle it when someone confronts you with the truth or when someone stands up to you when you talk shit and spew a bunch of crap about them, that's your fault. If you can't handle the consequences of talking shit about people, then don't talk shit about people. And Jacob and I both know you've talked shit about us. Have a nice day. :)
Have a nice day. :)
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