[ is calm in my vocabulary list?]

Aug 16, 2006 16:34

Yes, I added a country song to my profile. But before you knock it, please listen to the whole song. Please listen to the words. All of you who know me, know that thos lyrics touch my heart. In fact, I sat in Wal-mart's parking lot about to cry yesterday when I heard them for the first time. So here's the chorus of the song. And here's a prayer in my heart that I have said for someone for a very long time. Just because I stopped my tears, doesn't mean my prayers have stopped. Maybe one day he will give up the drugs. Maybe one day, he will find You Lord.

Here's to the strong; thanks to the brave.
Don't give up hope: some people change.
Against all odds, against the grain,
Love finds a way: some people change.

Math was interesting again today. I find myself staring off and being so bored. She makes it so hard to focus on anything at all.

My Biology Lab was a mess. My partners and I have no clue what's going on. Our proffesor just kind of threw us into it. We have a whole slew of homework and two internet quizzes before next class [which thank God is a week away].

I'm already stressed out and it's only the 3rd day of school....haha.
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