Name: Miranda Neith Madeleine Nowak
Age: Seventeen Years, Three Months, Twenty-Eight Days
Location: Chappaqua, New York (affectionately referred to as "The Qua" or "Quakerland")
How much time do you spend on lj? I'd have to say at least seven hours a week (provided that I have the time for it... Even if I don't, I find a way to feed my blog addiction)
Bands/singers: Green Day, The Who, The Reunion Show, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Starting Line, Bernadette Peters, Idina Menzel, Kristen Chenowith, Jimi Hendrix, Ozone... That's at least some of them.
Genre of music: Alternative/Progressive Rock, Ska, Classical, Soft Rock, A Capella, Broadway... Those are the big ones.
Color: Turquoise and Emerald
Books: "The Bell Jar" by Slyvia Plath or something lighter like "How I Paid For College- A Novel of Sex, Theft, Friendship, and Musical Theatre" by Marc Acito... I'm also a big fan of "No Exit and Other Plays" by Jean-Paul Sartre.
Movies: "Dogma", "Chasing Amy", "Run Lola, Run", "Mean Girls", "Hedwig and the Angry Inch", "Garden State", and "Rear Window"
Holiday: I was always a big fan of Boxing Day
Food: Most manifestations of pasta, I also enjoy dark chocolate (especially with raspberries), and I've always been partial to shellfish and rabbit cacetore (I'm a baaaaad Jew)
Hobbies: Dance Dance Revolution!, ping pong, billiards, songwriting, putting up small productions of one-act plays, contemplating my navel, livejournaling, knitting, improv comedy, playing with little children (and NOT in the Michael Jackson way), making really obscene jokes, shopping, singing, dancing to the music playing in my head, making references to the most esoteric pieces of pop culture that few people get, quoting various musicals/television shows, making lists of my hobbies...
TV Shows: Family Guy, The Simpsons, and Law and Order SVU
Scents: Lilac, Jasmine, Lavender, Spring Rain, and Eucalyptus
I chose, and my world was shaken,
So what?
The choice may have been mistaken,
The choosing was not.
You have to move on
(~Move On from "Sunday in the Park with George")
To days of inspiration,
Playing hookey,
Making something out of nothing,
The need to express, to communicate.
To going against the grain,
Going insane, going mad!
To loving tension, no pension,
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretention,
Not to mention, of course,
Hating dear mom and dad!
To riding your bike midday
Past the three-piece-suits!
To fruits! To no absolutes!
To absolut! To choice! To the villiage voice!
To any passing fad!
To being an "us" for once,
Instead of a "them"
La Vie Bohème
(~La Vie Bohème from Rent)
Effort Questions
For each topic write your thoughts on it.
Childhood memory: I actually just wrote my SAT on this... When I was three or so, I burned my hand on the stove, several times (because I wasn't a very bright child), which is my first memory of pain. I have skin that doesn't pigment because the scar from the third degree burns I got healed oddly. And to reinforce that I wasn't supposed to touch the stove my parents would ask me everyday "Pumpkie, how did you burn yourself?" and I would reply "I touched the stove."
Pick one of the arts: Some people say that musical comedies are the lowest form of communication, and while that may be true, I still enjoy them, so screw them :-P. Although I am quite partial to the comedic operetta like oh... Pirates of Penzance or The Mikado.
McDonald's: Disgusting, greasy, yucky, makes my aorata feel like it's going to explode everytime I see people eating it especially since heart and cholesterol problems in my family are very numerous, and yet I can't resist the fries...
Definition of quirky-cool: Being your own, and being proud to be your own. We're all different, and we should embrace our uniqueness and quirky-cool people recognize that and are able to celebrate it together.
Pet peeves: Tardiness, snobby elistist attitudes, overcast skies, people not listening to each other, people separating themselves in petty ways from the rest of society, thickheadedness, arrogance, cummerbunds, bowties, pants that are too short, uber political correctness.
Something random: I wore a pink hat to school and now I'm playing with the belt made of chain-maille links that my boyfriend knit for me recently.
3 words that describe you: Dorky, intuitive, pensive.
Guilty pleasures: The Spice Girls, Rating Communities (:-P), spending money like there's no tomorrow, whipped cream, and Girl Scout cookies.
Rain or shine: Can't I just take both and have a sunshower?
Pictures...just skip the ones that you don't have.
Post 3 of YOU:
(I'm the one staring straight at you!!!)
Your favorite shirt:
I don't have one :(
A pet:
I don't have one of those either.
A friend:
(On the left is Melissa, and on the right is M)
Favorite pair of shoes:
Nope :(
A poster in your room:
Unfortunately not.
Your toenails or fingernails if you they're painted:
I stink at this.
Your trademark:
The view out your window:
A random picture:
A funny picture:
A very photoshoped image of my boyfriend and his little cousin, which I find amusing.
And finally, a 100x100 if you have it.
Almost done...
Promote us in 2 public promoting communities and provide the link:'d you hear about the community? Provide a username if you have one.
I was just kind of browsing around, looking at the various pretty communities and then I tripped and fell and I found myself here. Now I'm telling you my life story.
Any last words:
This took up so very much of my life! But it was fun.