Iron Man is really, he is. IRON MAN is in my city!

Jun 14, 2014 10:34

I know, I know, I've been quiet of late, but I'm still lurking and reading posts. :)

But I just had to post this as I'm just beside myself with squee. It's a fangirl's delight.....

I mean..PART OF THE NEW AVENGERS FILM IS BEING FILMED IN MY CITY OF NORWICH!!! Okay well I don't actually live there but just a few miles outside...that's good enough! lol  No idea what's being filmed  as it's all been a bit hush hush. But this newspaper article appeared in the local press.


Avengers: Age of Ultron being filmed at UEA

No photos please! Part of the University of East Anglia campus has been turned into a “secret” movie location, with cast and crew filming part of what is thought to be the next Avengers film.

Robert Downey Jr is thought to have arrived by helicopter for the filming which is taking place throughout today at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.

Security is tight around the centre, but excited onlookers are being allowed to watch from a distance, providing their mobile phones and cameras are put away.

One sneaky student tried to snatch a few photos from a hall of residence - only for security to pay him a visit and make him delete his photos.

A giant green screen has been put up outside the centre, and this morning groups of actors dressed in blue were repeatedly filmed running backwards and forwards in front of screen.

A large “A” sign for the Avengers could also be seen on the Sainsbury Centre building which had four performance cars positioned outside.

Hollywood A-listers Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr and Samuel L Jackson are among the stars said to be in the Avengers: Age of Ultron cast according to film website IMDb.

The Marvel Studios film - said to be scheduled for release next April - sees The Avengers reassemble to battle the sentient robot known as Ultron and is being directed by Joss Whedon, who also directed the first Avengers movie.

A UEA spokesman confirmed that the Sainsbury Centre had been booked out until the end of Friday but said they were unable to comment further.

However there are reports online of students being invited to audition last month for Afterparty, which is thought to be the code name for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and across the UEA campus there are currently orange signs directing people to “AP Loc” and “AP Techs,” and others directing people to “crowd makeup and costume”.

Notices on the front of the Sainsbury Centre state the venue will be shut today due to a “private booking” and that the centre’s Modern Life Café has been closed since Monday and will reopen on Sunday.

Robert Downey Jr takes time out from shooting Avengers film in Norwich to chat to Norfolk toddler about his pyjamas

Sarah Gray, who works at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, was lucky enough to meet Robert Downey Jr, when his helicopter took off from near the hospital on Friday afternoon.

Mrs Gray, who lives at Blickling, said: “He was an absolute gent. He saw us standing, he could have gotten straight into the helicopter. Instead he came over and chatted.”

The Hollywood star shook hands with a little boy called Lewis Olsen, three, who was wearing pyjamas, and asked him about his attire.

Lewis’s dad Nick, from Dereham, said: “I’d just dropped my wife off for her night shift at the hospital and Lewis had wanted to see the helicopter.

“He didn’t know who he was meeting. When I got home I went on Google to show him that he’d just met Iron Man.”

The large “A” sign for the Avengers could be clearly seen on the Sainsbury Centre’s Modern Life Café which had four high performance cars positioned outside.

And I missed it all. If only it'd been a couple of weeks ago when I was on holiday!!!
But...I have family member who works at the Uni. There will be questions!!!

If I learn anything extra I'll let you know.

robert downey jr, fandom, avengers, fangirly, movies, photos

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