A night out at the theatre...

Oct 24, 2013 22:30

After a stressful couple of months I actually got out last night and had me some culture! XD

I went to see a play at The Theatre Royal, The Twelve Angry Men, with Martin Shaw. It was great. It now transfers to The Garrick Theatre, West End, London, if anyone wants to see it.

Basically it was Doyle from the Professionals meets Solo from the Man from Uncle meets the pilot from Lost meets Eddy from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels! LOL. Martin was great even though he had an American accent! *gasp*

It’s one of those old classics that’s won awards and appears on the TV in movie form
every so often. But even so, all I knew about it was that it was a courtroom drama...or in this case a jury room drama.

In a seemingly open and shut case Martin plays the juror who sows a seed of reasonable doubt in the minds of the others. As this plays out, morals and prejudices are all given an airing with lots of the twists and turns as we learn of the 16 year old who’s apparently murdered his father and faces the death penalty if found guilty.

As this was written in 1957 it wasn’t as dated as I thought it would be. But there was one bit that made me want to laugh, and I was surprised no one in the audience did, especially as there were a high proportion of women there. Hmmm, I wonder why? One of the jurors was making a point about a female witness who - horror upon horrors was forty five and dyed her hair and didn’t wear her glasses because she was trying to look thirty five!!! Oh no....she didn’t did she? Whatever next! XD

Anyway...I really enjoyed it. And afterwards, passing the stage door to the car park I met Robert Vaughn and the young sweet heart Edward Franklin... and got their autographs. I couldn’t think of one sensible thing to say as I was having a total fangirl moment but I managed to mumble something boring. Pity I didn’t get to see Martin but maybe that’s for the best because I’d have been even more flustered!

The young and lovely Edward Franklin.

The very gracious and friendly awesomeness that is Robert.

fandom, geeky, tv show, fangirly, theatre, martin shaw

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