Supernatural: Season 7 x 13 "The Slice Girls"

Feb 05, 2012 14:57

Yep...I suppose with a title like that it was never going to be a warm and fuzzy episode.

That was some serious hack and slash in there and they had to go and splice those lovely scenes with Dean getting all loved up with the gruesome bits...gah! I really couldn't enjoy it but loved AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long” as it all played out... but...*shudders* This show really knows how to mess with our heads.

I now await the You Tube cut of the scene so I can watch Dean shirtless, without peering through my fingers. He looks mighty fine but will look much better without the gruesome bits in there.

But I managed to cap one of him shirtless...with tatt. Oh yes.

Ha! Didn't have to wait long...someone's done the honours...

image Click to view

So who's the daddy?

Dean's one night stand results in a baby. One that grows at a rapid rate and is fully grown in three days. When she visits Dean, for a brief moment she had me fooled and I thought she was wanting out of her destiny. Good thing Dean's instincts are still good, but he still found killing her difficult.

It's a pity that the preview clips were so obvious showing us where the ep was going to go. So when Sam turned up it was easy to guess how it was going to play out.

Sam's mad dash to save Dean and so single minded and focused when he's on a mission.

I think Sam was a more than a bit freaked out as he saw Emma standing there with Dean looking a bit hesitant. There was a time when he would have hesitated as well, for all those reasons why he gave Amy a chance, but not now.

It only took that red-eyed monster look from Emma....

...the same look he saw from the Amazonian detective before she hurled him against the wall, to know she wasn't about to give in easily.

And he wasn't about to risk Dean getting hurt so he did what he had to. Plus he knew how impossibly hard it is do the kill when you're emotionally involved.

I liked that they hashed out the issue of Amy.  Yeah, Sam was pissed at Dean for his apparent double standards but as it turns out he wasn't so much pissed about the Amy thing as worried that Dean could have died.

Sam: Look..Dean..the thing is almost got you killed. I don't care how you deal..I really, really don't. But just don't....don't get killed.

Dean: I'll do what I can...

At least now that whole thing has been put to rest.


So it's looking increasingly likely that Bobby's around... even though we're now told that his bones have been burned.

So if that's the case then it looks as if burning his bones has been over ridden by the Reaper. I've no idea what that could mean in the long run. So is the flask a hint? Quite a bit was made of it. Sam made it pretty clear that they're both still feeling his loss. And I think Sam doesn't want Dean clinging to what he think is wishful thinking. It's too painful.

I have a feeling that it's taking Bobby time to get the hang of the being a ghost, so moving things in the physical world in his non-corporeal state is proving a bit tricky. But once he does get the hang of it...

Other random things I really loved:

Sam driving with Dean as the passenger..that was twice in one ep. . I suppose as it's not the Impala Dean doesn't care. And another indication that his heart is not in the game any more.


The professor (the Mayor from Buffy! :p) poring over the Greek paper as Sam got more frustrated with him:

Professor: Where'd you get it?

Sam: Er...from a crazy drunk old genius..

Professor: They always have the good stuff.


Loved Sam's reaction when Lydia gave Dean the brush off.

So we were left with this...

Sam feeling desperate.
Dean feeling empty but still trying to keep in the game.
So much angst. You break my heart really do.
But at least they're getting closer and I loved the banter between them. The best thing about the ep for me.

caps, dean winchester, sam winchester, tv show, supernatural season 7, videos

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