Supernatural: Season 7 x 1 "Meet the New Boss"

Oct 01, 2011 17:19

I'm a bit behind so playing  catch up.

What a great start to Season 7.

Loved that it carried on straight off from last season, dealing with the cliff hanger ending and then didn't hang around dealing with Cas going off the rails.

Always surprised at how they come up with yet another exciting title card. This time black ooze..Leviathan style.

Not going to touch on everything..otherwise I'd be here all day. The ep was chock block of so much good stuff. Seriously, it was bursting at the seams.
So...just some of my extra favourite bits..or things I think are important to the plot.

Sammy! Not only does he start to fall apart and collapse with a bloody nose, he falls on to broken glass! I'd be happy for bandage that for you Sammy.

Seeing Cas in Heaven surrounded by all the smitten angels was an incredibly powerful scene. You knew from seeing it that he wasn't going to mess around....and he didn't.

He decided to punish the hypocritical preachers and cynical politicians (well who wouldn't?) Although the massacre was a bit extreme....but kind of necessary to prick Cas' conscience, so that he'd take up Sam's offer.

Had to smile though at seeing Cas imprinting his trench coated image in the stained glass and then going out and performing miracles.

As soon as I saw the slippers pacing the floor I knew it was Crowley. I recognised the walk. :)  That pleased me no end. Such a lot of fun seeing him hiding in the trailer ... almost resigned to his fate and genuinely surprised that Cas let him live...but didn't waste an opportunity to wriggle out of his precarious situation.

“I gather this is not a negotiation.”
“Then I graciously accept.”

Nice to see Dean working on the Impala. The one thing that remains a constant in his life. Other than Sammy and Bobby I know...but the car doesn't answer back and can be more easily repaired!

One of my favourte scenes. Sam listening to Dean and Bobby in the garage and then walking in on them....trying so hard to appear normal... with that cute smile. And then I saw it. The bandage on Sam's hand. There it remained throughout the ep. What does it mean?

Show doesn’t normally bless us with any lingering injuries...or any lasting evidence. (As I'm so late writing this, I've just watched the next ep so now know that it had a purpose. Is pleased.)

I cheered again on seeing Mark Pellegrino. But poor Sam...he's obviously been put through a serious mind fuck to make him think he's still in the Cage.

What a twisted torturing device to demoralise Sam. It'll be interesting to see if they're going to go with Lucifer influencing Sam from the Cage or if it's all in Sam's broken mind. Or maybe Lucifer somehow hitched a lift with Sam's soul and has been waiting for the wall to come down.

The whole scene with Death was great. The look of it and the interaction between Dean and Death. They're all so terrified of they should be...but they still have the guts to mess with him. It could so easily be ridiculous - but isn't. Far from it, mainly because the acting and writing really is perfect. And doesn't Death always look so smart? Death in a suit with that cane is so fitting somehow.

Never thought I'd feel so emotional at the end thinking Cas lay there dead. But as soon as he drew breath I knew something else would happen. We weren't going to get away that easily!

Whether Cas is really gone for good we don't know...but I'm glad that there was some redemption for him and a bit of forgiveness on Dean's part. It does feel as if he's not coming back.

Cue the next big bad - with Misha having fun!

Oh yes... I reckon I'm the only fan who doesn't know what a grey poupon is.
I have since been told. Who would have guessed?  Not me... not being American. The things you learn with this show! There's anime porn? Lol... well of course there is! Silly me.

Some great quotes as usual.

Bobby calling Death, “Your honour.”

“We all saw him. No beard, no robe. He was young and…and sexy. He had a raincoat-”

“Hi Sam - long time no spooning.”

“You never left Sam. You're still in the cage...with me.”

caps, dean winchester, sam winchester, tv show, supernatural season 7

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