Oct 30, 2014 00:08
So. For the first time in my life I overheard my parents tell each other "I love you" In such a stressful time in our lives it was just what I needed to feel a sense of relief.
Dad has been hospitalized for over three weeks. Still we wait for a team of doctors to decide how exactly they will proceed with his care. The short story is his heart needs repair but his lungs are not functioning well enough to allow for necessary intervention. It has been a whirlwind of emotions for my parents and I have become their counsel, advisor and advocate. Essentially feeling like a parent to them. That's ok though. It's my turn to take care of them for a bit.
I heard of this so called "sandwich generation". Stuck in the middle of raising kids and caring for their parents. I think I am knee deep into now. I never felt totally adult (even being a Mom and home owner) until I was named a power of attorney and will executor. Like when the heck did life get to this point! Eeek.
I feel as though through Dads illness now I have matured immensely. I have a million grays to show it!!! I truly do my best to savour moments and conversations with him and my family. I just feel my soul is different.
I am nervous about his future. But prepared. Knowing tbrough words that he loves us has been the best gift though. I know now no matter what happens we will all be alright. That like life is a blessing.