Last years NY goals.

Jan 02, 2007 19:05

1)gardening - So-so. I'm already planning for this year. It will probably help that I won't have a newborn during prime planting season.

2)knitting/crocheting/sewing - I hadn't done anything on this at 6 months but I made up for lost time the 2nd half of the year. I got a sewing machine and I'm learning. I've made cloth diapers, slings, baby blankets, and a few other things. I need to sign up for more classes - I've only been to one so far. I bought "kniffty knitters" and knitted a hat. Hopefully more knitting to come.

3)cooking - I'm improving. I'm on some pretty strict dietary boundaries because Patrick has some insane food sensitivities.

4)reading - Didn't really meet this one - but I do plan to join the library this year.

5)physical activity - So-so. I've lost the baby weight but more through diet. I'm sure Patrick will get me moving this year.

6)music - nada.

At six months I posted this:
One of my life goals is to help women know about and understand their bodies. When I was pregnant I started going to La Leche League meetings to learn about breastfeeding and meet local moms. I'm not sure exactly what roll LLL will play in this goal long term but I can tell it is going to be a large part of the puzzle. And I'm making some friends and learning so much from mom's with more experience. I still hope to attend MOPS this fall.

Now I'm considering becoming a lactation consultant. If I do it I will wait until after I'm done having babies, I think.
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