well...at least i admit it

Feb 11, 2005 08:00

yes, i'm a packrat...and i admit it. its not the most proud moment for me, but most moments aren't proud for me when they're concerning my organizational skills.

my packrat nature glared me in the face yesterday, as i began to move upstairs (yea residence life wasn't too keen on the idea of me living in a single and not paying, so they made me choose between moving or paying) and realized that way too much of my stuff is useless. you know its gotten REALLY bad when your boyfriend who still has old copies of the school newspaper and other trash like that around his room says to you "honey, i love you, but all of this is crap"

a carved wooden puzzle eggplant? useless

a stuffed hello kitty in a chicken costume? useless

old ENVELOPES from letters friends sent me? pretty, but nonetheless useless

and the list continues in pretty much the same fashion for much of what i moved yesterday.

and i still have A TON of stuff to move...ahh...making people do mid-semester moves should be illegal...or at least their homework and tests should be postponed until i don't have 2 places of residence (oh yea did i forget to mention its that wonderful time in the semester where EVERY class has a test of some form.


otherwise, things have been pretty good...the snow is FINALLY melting, so now all we have to contend is with massive amounts of mud, caused by both the melting snow and the ever-present construction site practically oozing mud. i can't wait until rider doesn't have that construction going on in the middle of the quad and we can actually use it like last year.

so here's the random thought i was pondering yesterday...the snapple cap said that animals who lay eggs don't have bellybuttons, which makes sense. therefore, animals that don't lay eggs do have bellybuttons. my question is how do they have bellybuttons. we have them cause doctors tied them when we were born. animals dont have little animal doctors tying bellybuttons, so do NO animals have bellybuttons, or do they magically appear, or what.

i'm totally anticipating the nobel prize committee to knock on my door (but which one??? conundrum!) for that theory. hehe

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