So Goodnight You, Goodnight Moon - Part Seventeen

Jan 29, 2012 21:00

Title: So Goodnight You, Goodnight Moon (17/?)
Author: Stacey; quirky_anecdote
Rating: R.
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
POV: Third.
Summary: When Alex turns up on Jack’s doorstep at eleven thirty at night, Jack’s quick to let the older boy inside, his teeth clamped to his bottom lip and his face drawn into a worried expression.
Disclaimer: This is totally fake. Promise.
Warnings: Physical abuse.
Title Cred. to: Goodnight Moon - Go Radio.
Author's Notes: I’m gonna guess one or two more chapters after this.

Posted to acrosswaxbone & alltimeboners

Master Post.

So Goodnight You, Goodnight Moon - Part Seventeen

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Jack asks, and Alex sighs, fingers twining together nervously as he glances out the car window, the mist of his breath causing a rough circle to cloud the window. He’s not looking at that however, instead eyes focused past the glass, past the pavement and grass and all the way to keep a gaze locked on a familiar worn wooden door.

“I am, I need to get my stuff,” Alex replies, and with that he grips the handle of the door, pushing it open and climbing out the car, pushing his cast against the side doorframe for an extra shove.

He smiles slightly at Joe as the older boy stands up straight from leaning against the side of the car, he gives Alex a soft smile, and Alex tries to ignore the pity in the other boy’s gaze. He’s gotten used to the looks Jack’s family give him and he doesn’t blame them, he’d probably pity someone is his situation too, it’s a natural reaction.

It’s a Friday, and things have certainly been better for both Jack and Alex; they tend to keep to themselves when anyone else is in the house, which is most of the time, but they get their alone time when Jack comes home for lunch from school, usually skipping out on his last lessons despite how Alex scowls at him and tells him off. He doesn’t have to worry though, with the bruising on the older boy’s face fading faster every day, he’ll be back at school for Monday, which is why they find themselves outside Alex’s house today, because he’s been borrowing Jack’s clothes, mainly his sweatshirts and pyjama pants, but he’s going to need his own things now.

“We could always wait until tomorrow, my dad can come with us then,” Jack says after crawling across the seat and out the same door as Alex. He pushes the door closed, looking up to see Alex turning to face him.

“M-my dad’s in custody, Jack, he can’t get us,” the older boy states, voice lowered as if the neighbours will hear that news if he so happens to talk above a whisper. Jack watches him, feeling his emotions swirl because for one, he doesn’t want to go inside, doesn’t want to see the mess and devastation, the memories of finding Alex passed out with vicious wounds across his skin.

He doesn’t mention any of that though, otherwise Alex will insist on going alone, and the thought of Alex in that house alone is even worse than reliving the memories of that night. No, he can’t let Alex out of his sight, just in case. Just in case of what? He’s not sure.

So he nods, squeezes Alex’s fingers as they worm between his own and Alex then leads the way, Joe grabbing some cardboard boxes from the back of the car before following them. The walk seems far too long, time seeming to slow down as Jack’s memories sheathe him in the dark cold of the night, how his heartbeat had sounded so loud. He reminds himself it’s daytime, the sun is weak in the sky but it’s sitting up along the horizon nonetheless.

He notices the way Alex hesitates at the first step of the porch, and it’s understandable that he’s scared, and Jack knows, he knows he should put his own fear aside and help Alex, but all he wants to do is take Alex home, and so that’s why he finds himself pulling Alex back via his hand, the older boy stumbling slightly before twisting sharply to face Jack with wide eyes that speckle fear.

“Jack?” he questions carefully, regaining himself and reminding himself that they’re safe, it’s okay. He steps closer to the younger boy, frowning as he squeezes his fingers and reaches to touch the fingers of his other hand to Jack’s jaw. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asks, eyes roaming over his boy’s face. He shivers slightly, that uncanny crawl creeping up his spine like there’s trouble behind him.

“I just- I found you in there, Alex,” he replies, and Alex feels his stomach twist because he never really considered the bad memories tied to this place for Jack, just his own.

“But I’m okay, I’m here, you won’t find me in there hurt because I’m okay and I’m here,” he explains, altering the placement of his hand so he’s gripping Jack’s wrist. He pulls his hand upwards, pressing the flat of the boy’s palm to his chest, over his heart where the organ thumps hard with the fright he’s currently experiencing at being here. “I’m scared too, but we can do this, together,” he says, and Jack nods weakly, sliding his hand up until he can curl it around the base of Alex’s neck, pulling him close and resting their foreheads together, eyes closing. He takes a breath, releases it and presses a kiss to Alex’s lips before pulling back and offering a weak smile and nod as a go ahead.

They creep closer to the steps, side by side, fingers squeezing periodically against the others, a reassurance. Joe watches, biting his bottom lip slightly, chest seeming to blossom with hurt at the fact that the two boys seem so scared. He’s not sure what to do, to try and take charge and get into the house first or to let them overcome their fear themselves. The instinctual side of him wants to take lead, to reassure them and keep them safe because that’s his baby brother there, his baby brother and a boy who’s pretty much a part of the family just as much.

But if they wanted his help, they’d ask, so instead he just follows behind them, watching as they step up onto the porch, Alex leaning up on his tiptoes to fumble his fingers along the top of the doorframe, but the fact that he’s still gripping Jack’s hand makes the whole thing harder and Jack tugs their hands back, uses his other to grip the key from the top of the door and push it in the lock. He looks to Alex, the older boy nodding as Jack nods back, turns the key and pushes the door handle, fingers giving the pane of wood a shove.

The door creaks open and both boy’s just stay still, before Alex steps into the house, fingers tightening around Jack’s as he moves and tugs him along. The place is pretty much the same it was when Jack was last here, and Jack pointedly keeps his eyes away from where he’d found Alex laying that dreadful night, more than sure the carpet will be marred red and dirty.

“Okay,” Alex says softly, voice low. The house is unbearably quiet, too quiet almost. “I’m gonna get my stuff then,” he continues, voice louder as he peers around the house. He walks into the front room, starting to grab photo frames from the mantelpiece, photos of his mother and Jack doesn’t say anything as he sees Alex pick up a photo of himself and his father, fingers of his cast arm pressing against the glass before he pulls himself back from the dust of memories from better times and moves towards Joe, taking a box and placing it on the sofa to then place the photos inside.

It doesn’t take him all that long to get his things, he collects his music and movies, chucking them into a box and then stuffing his clothes in, grabbing his sheet music and school books, his acoustic and electric guitar all being placed by the door to be ferried out to the car, and he’s so focused on getting his stuff, that it almost scares Jack, because he blanks out everything, expression blank as he grabs everything, just trying to get everything sorted without memories breaking him down.

They get everything back to Jack’s house, and Jack lets out a breath as he drops the last box from the car to the floor, Alex behind him with his guitars, moving to place them in a free space against the wall.

“Good thing I’m off to college soon,” Joe remarks, toeing a box as Jack runs his fingers through his bangs and tries to get his breath to even out. He’s really not built for lugging boxes up flights of stairs.

“Mm, sorry about this, we can- we can put my shit in the garage,” Alex says, biting his lip as he glances at his belongings scattered around the room. Joe laughs softly though, shakes his head with a smile, says, “it’s fine Alex, we can just stack things, no worries.” Before shrugging and leaving the room. Jack watches him leave, before turning to Alex.

“You okay? You seemed a little… blank back there,” Jack states, moving closer until he can press his palms to the older boy’s hips.

“Yeah, I just- I wanted to get everything and get out really,” Alex replies, and Jack nods, sucks in a breath as he glances to the closed bedroom door. “But I found my dad’s ‘stash’,” he continues, pushing a hand in his back pocket and pulling out a reel of dollar bills. “So how ‘bout I take you out tomorrow? Properly, to a restaurant and everything.”

“Or,” Jack starts, and Alex’s face falls slightly, but then Jack’s cupping his cheeks and smiling at him. “We could get take out and go to the beach, watch the waves and just not care about anything.”

“I like that idea better,” Alex states, stomach bubbling warmth as Jack laughs softly, presses their lips soft and safe.

Part Eighteen.

A/N So I’ve been an awful reader/writer lately, I’m really sorry about that, I’m just bored of life and writing is hard when you’re just bored all the time. I’m fixing that though, so once I’ve gotten myself sorted I should be able to write better again, I’m also going to dabble in the Sherlock fandom a little then I’ll be back.

I say this all the time, but everything I’ve started will be finished eventually.

And last time I updated this I mentioned Josh/Oli angry sex which is there, <¬ in that link back there.

rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, quirky_anecdote, bandom: atl, chaptered: so goodnight you

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