It's been several days since have updated, mainly because I have just been exhausted and not in the mood to recollect everything. In short:
- Stetson = LOVE
- Prom stank. Stunk? Either way, I didn't have fun at the dance. Pictures and dinner were incredible, but I should have known when I slammed my red long-stemmed rose from Cody in the car door on accident, that I was in for a bad time. It was definitely symbolic. And to make it worse, when I opened the door, all teh petals came showering down like it was raining roses. :( I felt awful.
IThere's a kitchen in my dorm which means I can still bake my cookies!
Follow the rules OR ELSE
Check this nice bathroom. The radio was playing "99 Luftballoons" when I walked in. I love that song!
Keri, my Roomate // long-lost personality twin
Me, in the coolest dorm room ever!
Doing "homework" at the college desk ((I think I look very collegiate))
Hoorah for the bathroom which I never have to clean myself!
Keri and me
I even like the toilet bowls at Stetson
"oooooh ahhhhhh" Herbal essences in the Stetson shower
More rules! Ahhhh these people do not like rebellion very much I guess
Getting my laundry out of the Stetson washing machine
My dorm!! Isn't it pretty? It actually looks like a big barn.
I've got mail!!
In the gift shop with Keri
Thumbs up for Stetson and their gigantic foam hats
In "the quad" ((I love how that sounds!))
Lauren, Stephanie, Cody, Julie, Candi and me
One more time
One of my 2 favorite pictures
America's Next Top Model
Friends are like martinis.... on the rocks! ((hahahahha))
Cody helping me off the rock
Cody and Julie
Dang we look good
I don't know WHAT sort of face I am making
3 musketeers!
Cody and Lee
Tomorrow is the last day of high school for me ((other than May 5, when I return because of Grad Night.))
I am happy and sad and anxious all in one.
I can't believe it is finally here. Though there were some really crappy events, these truly were the best times of my life. I owe it all to my friends.
There is something extremely strange in not having "just one more day."
Freshman year I made some of my closest friends now. Lauren, Elli, the Heathers, Raymond. I memorized lines in Mr. Kuiper's class. I figured out logarhythms with Mrs. Bailey. I did ceramics and drawing with Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Ring and formed one of the best friendships of my life with Raymundo. I was subjected to the madness that is Mr. Steve Wolfson. I was a soooooooooory charlie for chore with Esperanza in Sra Gordon's class. I had a blast with Ms. Morgan and I learned about flatworms with Elli in Holcomb and Chaney's. Everything was new and big and different.
Sophomore year I became better friends with Allie O'Malley. I formed a "best friendship" with Monika. Hannah and I became friends in Mrs. Mularkey's class. I adopted the Ormond kids into my circle of friends. Shauna and I shared many shenanigans ((that's a tongue twister!)) I was still a sooooooryyyyyyyyyy charlie for chore, but this time with Senor Bub. Mrs. Mularkey taught me to love Maya Angelou and hate "All Quiet on the Western front." I also learned to hate portables. Ms Milford the elf taught me about molecules and other things I do not need in my life. I continued to draw with Mrs. Ring. Mrs. Kirkwood taught me about the ancient civilizations ((most of her teachings were from personal experience, I am sure.)) I pre-IB arted and did economics and Mrs. Hughes taught me geometry. I turned sixteen and had the best party a girl could ever ask for.
Junior year was nuts, what with all the mad IB-ness, biology crams, etc.
And Senior year went by too fast.
I know we technically still have a month together, but it feels like this is good-bye.
I love you guys!