(no subject)

Mar 22, 2009 16:32

I hate it when things that should be really simple end up so complicated. I like simple yes-no type answers. Why do people always have to end up saying and/or doing something to push it across the line?! UGH! It's just so frustrating. I hate the awkward positions I seem to always end up in, and then having to make decions that could potentially hurt other people. (I'm used to the hurting me type decisions, but I don't like to hurt other people) ARGH! It's just so frustrating! Oh well, I guess that's life.....

Meanwhile, my pile of homework just keeps growing and growing. Now with subbing (I survived my first two days!!!!!!!!! :-D) I'm not entirely sure how/when I'll ever get it all done. I think I'm gonna have to start learning to say no. My current plan was to take any sub jobs I can get, but I don't think I'll be able to handle that mixed with my homework.

I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about school over the summer. I think that I will either take no classes, or maybe just the one technology class. I want to be able to actually have a summer. I need to be able to work and save up some money. I need to have time to have a life, be with friends, etc. I just don't like the idea of spending my entire summer in school. Monday-Friday 8-4 every day stuck in a classroom.... it just doesn't sound all that appealing to me. The problem is that then I have no idea where that puts me with what to take in the fall and when I'll be finished with the degree. It'll completely screw up my schedule if I don't take full time, so I have to talk to Dr. R about that soon.

My mom and I are going on a bus trip to Savannah with Girl Scouts. (Not my troop, a bunch of other scouts though) It sounds like it's going to be A TON of fun. I'm really excited about it.
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