A man in his power, integrity, and chivalry is the most sexy man on the planet.
When a man can respect himself and his boundaries, be authentic and clear to the point that he doesn't need to play games, and offer genuine affection, protection, and adoration to the woman his heart desires, THAT IS SEXY.
I feel today's heart-centered men have a tendency to give up their power in order to "get" a woman's affection, and that is a core turn off for women (and men! When a woman gives up power, she becomes unattractive, too). An "asshole" man wears a mask of power and it confuses women who are not in their own power. If a woman makes herself vulnerable to this kind of man by opening up her heart or giving away her sex prematurally (cause then she's fucked, no pun intended 😉) she can become addicted to him, verses truly loving him.
Instead of posting blame, I feel both sides have work to do to restore the pure balance of the masculine and feminine Divine.
On both sides, we need to remove the masks of sarcasm, deception, and agenda. On both sides, we need to learn how to honor our "yes" and our "no". On both sides, we need to connect on ALL levels with a soul before blending with them just because we're horney or need something from them. And most importantly, on both levels, we need to fall deeply in love with ourselves before attempting to share love with another. Then, the asshole mask fades away, and the woman who becomes addicted to him transcends.