finishing up

Dec 19, 2011 14:37

I should be working right now but maybe writing here a bit will get my writing neural pathways warmed up. Maybe I'm just procrastinating. *shrugs*

Tomorrow is the due date for the last project in my last class in the Teaching Certification program. Tomorrow at midnight. \o/ I'm around halfway done right now, I just need that final push. Actually, I also need to hand in the documentation of all the observation hours I've done at the local school, and then I'll be officially signed up for Student Teaching next term. _o/ (partial yay!)

I'm writing on my beautiful brand new little laptop.\\o// My family got together and everyone chipped in for a holiday/ birthday gift (I'm a mac, laptops are expensive). My old one was being held together (with only partial success) by duct tape, it also ran an OS so old that it wasn't capable of opening 21st century pdfs. The new one is like a dream. :D

Fantastic gifts aside, I'm actually mostly looking forward to the holidays. It'll be the first time in 2 years that I spend it with the family (I'll miss my BFF though) and it'll be the first time ever we all spend it at our place with my niece and nephew. They're usually at their mom's for Christmas as she's the only actual Christian among us, but this year we've got them. Bwa-Ha-ha! My sister is planning a wonderfully mixed celebration (latkes, roast pork and tembleque). At the very least it will be delicious.

And now I'm hungry.


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