Lots of bits and pieces

Oct 24, 2008 23:04


I had 2 big presentations for school this week and they both went really well. In one of them I made a room full of mostly non-geeky adults experiment with the topology of a Mobius Strip (I was surprised at how many people hadn't heard of it before) and then try to untangle themselves out of yarn handcuffs. It was fun! We'd been talking about Piaget and gawking at videos of kids NOT getting "simple" math concepts, so I wanted the grown-ups to see how it felt.

I had a wonderful time at my friend's wedding. It all went by a little too quickly but I enjoyed seeing 4 of my college roommates. We talk kids, jobs, families, politics, but somehow always end up on movies and tv and making fun of each other for various tv guilty pleasures. Apparently there's a show somewhere about people hosting interventions for loved ones with various addictions. *is not surprised* People keep trying to get me to watch The Wire too. And most had never heard of SPN. *is appalled*
The wedding itself was gorgeous. It was outdoors. The brides and the chuppah in bright sunlight and everyone else under fall colored leaves. A doe even peeked out of the woods briefly to see what was going on. Sadly, my last minute flight reservations made me leave before the cake-cutting. I heard it was really good too. *pouts*

One of those former roommates (Kathy) actually lives in the Boston area, and though I love her, and her kids are the cutest creatures EVER I hadn't seen her in a really long time. Mostly because I don't answer my phone. But she proposed coming to see me sometime. So we actually made plans and followed through! We hung out for a bit on Thursday and I fell in love with her kids all over again. They're 2 and 4 years old. The little one wants to do exactly what his brother does so he was running around the little park after his bro in too-big mittens and absolute glee. That kind of happiness is friggin' contagious. *grumble*

Earlier this week I was on a subway car that had an actual Old Skool breakdance performance group on it. They played old Michael Jackson and did fancy moves using the handlebars and acrobatics that were insane because the train kept speeding up and slowing down. But that would make the music skip too, so we'd watch the kid in midair and expect him to keep flying until the music came back on. It was wicked cool when that worked out.

Before heading out to the wedding I dredged up some old earrings and put little hoops in each of my ear piercings (3 + 1). I just left them like that. Several days later I woke up to find 2 + 2, with 2 earrings through a single piercing! They were both perfectly fastened too - and those are a pain to get on and off. My only hypothesis is that in the middle of the night I groggily stuffed an earring into a hole that already had an earring and went right back to sleep. Why would I do that? Is this a weird haunting? I have no clue.

I have more to say but my eyes are getting heavy and if I don't try to sleep now I'll probably be up all night (yes, still singing 'Eye of the Tiger'). Good night!

friends, grad school

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