Nov 18, 2005 01:24
So... Donovan has been talking to spirits lately.
I know, I know. It sounds crazy. I don't generally even like talking about this topic, not because I'm afraid of the possibility itself, but am admittedly shy about the stigma surrounding those who claim to be mediums... most of whom I would generally guess is crazy or just desperate for attention and to feel special. But the truth is, I also consider myself a medium. I know I've communicated with spirits in the past. I know my sister has. I know my mom has some talents, too, but she's freaked out by it and denies it to herself. But the truth was, when my sister and I were about... 14 and 15 we started doing things that there was no explanation for. From talking to Ed from Pennsylvania, who told us the town he lived in, the coordinates on the map in the atlas and the current population to the exact number... to telling Brian's exgirlfriend, Kori, about how her father killed himself, where, what was in his letter, and what were in his last thoughts, when I didn't even know he was dead... to asking Bill about his twin, Conor, that died at birth and the games that Bill used to play with his "imaginary friend" Conor in the sand dunes... I cannot deny that somehow I am able to ascertain certain things that I should have no reason in doing so. I'm often asked to do it on the spot whenever people hear this. Rarely can I. I have never really tried to hone my skills, partly because I've always thought I was simply crazy and partly because I feel it is a gift, and I'm willing to simply receive what I am offered and do not want to be greedy with it.
I am often asked how I do it. I think most real mediums have a hard time explaining this, other than to say that they often just experience emotions and translate them. Some mediums claim to be able to directly speak to spirits. That only happens with me VERY rarely. Mostly, I experience an emotion or I see an image of an item or a memory that invokes certain emotions and responses. This doesn't however, explain how I knew Brian's mother used to call him "Baby Huey" LOL or explain other details that I've come up that surprise even me. I've also done readings that have been waaaaaay off. LOL One time with a friend I was interpreting a female's comments and thought it was his mother, but she was living at the time. Of course, I felt like an ass. But when it comes down to it, I was simply conveying and interpreting the messages as best as I could. There's no shame in that. Especially since I wasn't making anything up or embellishing anything.
I guess I am not surprised that Donovan has the gift, too. I should have known when we moved into this home. Within one week I was greeted by a young boy about 10 to 12, named Anthony. He made his presence known to me in a dream, which was a first for me. He was curious about my pregnancy (I was 8 1/2 months pregnant) and excited that there would be someone for him to play with soon. He took my hand and walked me into what was to be Donovan's room and sat down on the floor with a young Donovan and started playing with him. I woke up on that dumb air mattress and woke Brian up to tell him. God love, Brian, despite our differences, he has always entertained my insanity. There have been multiple times that Anthony has opened the closet door by Donovan's bedroom, turned on and off lights, turned on and off the television, even adjusted the volume and changed channels. I've often asked Anthony to watch over Donovan and to take good care of him while he is sleeping. To me, it seems natural to not be afraid of the spirits and to embrace them as a member of the family or household. And that's how I'm responding when Donovan starts talking to them.
Lately he's been waking up and chattering away to them. And when I come in, he's telling me, "I can see them all... there's a lot... I can hear them, too." Then he keeps mimicking someone smoking, even using a long Lego piece to imitate a cigarette and saying, "I'm smoking... I'm dieing... I'm dieing..." Not sure what this is about. It's the only thing that has bothered me a little, because I'm not sure how to explain death to a 2 1/2 year old. Especially since we play the game "sleeping" in which he just pounces on us and yells "wake up! wake up!" or lifts our eyelids, then we tackle him and kiss him to death. Anyways, the other night he woke up screaming. It didn't seem to be a nightmare, because generally with nightmares he snaps right out of it as soon as I hold him and tell him "Mama's here..." This time, he just kept going on and on about how he could see so many of them. I don't think he was afraid of the spirits so much so as he was shocked to wake up in the middle of the night to have a room full of spirits.
So I took him into bed with me and just spoke to him calmly, even acted very interested in what it was he was seeing and who he was talking to. God, I wish I could have understood him. He talked a million miles a minute and was much more calm when it seemed that I could see them and was interested in their presence. He went on and on. It reminded me of the time when he was 1 1/2 and started walking around his little hobby horse with a cardboard coaster - placing it in the saddle of the horse, then circling it, chanting and talking up a storm, very intent and deliberately. Sara and I watched him for 45 minutes and it reminded me of some kind of shamanic ritual. He also speaks intently to nature, although that may be spirits, too, I don't know. But he loves trees and bushes and often time sings to the wind. In fact, I used to call him "He-who-speaks-to-wind."
So that's where I'm at. I'm doing my best to foster my son to be open about what he experiences and trying to maintain an open mind, despite my own fears about the stigmas associated with such things. I have come to believe, however, that most people have heard the language of angels... and that is the tongue spoken by any child 2 1/2 and younger.