I... I...
misao08 D: D:
I feel like a traitor D:
But umm... yeah, I don't even follow NewS anymore or even listen to their music :/
Laurette has basically CONVERTED me into a SHINee fangirl D:
Pretty damn effectively, too, LOL.
Hey, they're hot, though:
Click to view
That guy at 1:01? OHMYGOD ♥___♥ He looks way better with this hair. Then he changed it to a stupid mushroom cut >__> As one of the youtube comments say, I bet he got made to do that so he wouldn't outshine the other members xD
But they're awesome, too :D
Also, I started knitting :D
it looks like a kebab. :/ Full of holes, but I'm gonna try and make a load of these squares and sew them together to make a blanket :D :D (it'll take me ages. p[robably about 15 years. then i can give it to my own children once its finished. LOLOL)
Hope you're all having a lovely week!
Byebye :)v