Secrets and Liars (Part 4)

Dec 14, 2008 11:33

Title: Secrets and Liars Part 4
Author: quietprofanity
Fandom: Spider-Man
Warnings: Graphic m/m sex, profanity and drug use
Disclaimer: Peter “Spider-Man” Parker, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, May Parker, Anna Watson, Flash Thompson, Gwen Stacy, and Norman “Green Goblin” Osborn are all property of Marvel Comics and are used without permission for non-profit purposes.

Acknowledgments: Thank you Mr. Sinister for the fun conversations. Thank you Cyberweasel for being a sweetheart. Thank you Vanessa Ayukawa and Madgoblin and anybody else who’s decided to pimp my website. Thank you cast and crew of the Spidey movie who gave me new readers. And again, thank you all for sticking with this. I hope this last chapter (it’s finally over!) doesn’t disappoint.

2008 Notes: Waaaah, formatting sucks!


White walls turned gray as the oncoming dusk dimmed the apartment. It was nearly five and most of the citizens of New York City had turned on their lights, creating pinpoints of yellow against the city’s darkening silhouette.

It was these points of yellow that Harry Osborn watched as he sat in front of the apartment window, body hunched over, forehead dripping with perspiration.

God, he’d kill for a fix.

Harry wiped his brow with his sleeve and turned back to staring blankly at the skyline. He’d tried watching TV before but he couldn’t seem to concentrate. His entire body was screaming for a drug, any drug.

“Cold turkey,” he reminded himself. “I’m going cold turkey.”

He could do it. He once knew a guy who’d been able to quit smoking by staying in bed for a day. This was the same thing. Think about something else, he told himself. Think about…

About what? How he didn’t trust Mary Jane with Peter? How she was with him and he was stuck at home trying to think up ways and reasons not to get high?

God, he hated- okay, he didn’t hate her, but that night out had all the makings of a set-up. Harry, Peter and Mary Jane all knew that Anna and May had eyes to get Peter and Mary Jane together before. Now that Gwen was gone, who was to say they weren’t…

Then again, who was to say they were?

Damn it! Peter was his boyfriend.

Harry sighed. Maybe he was being unreasonable with this whole MJ thing. He was still mad at himself for yelling at Peter like that. Yet he had to admit there was a lot of truth in what he said before. Harry had been suspicious of Peter ever since the fight between Spider-Man and Electro. And the worst part was he didn’t know why.

Maybe he should have insisted Peter tell him…

Maybe he should have gone with him…

Oh, he couldn’t do this anymore!

Harry stood up from his chair, his legs shaking as he did so.

(Come on, Harry. One foot in front of the other.)

Now where did he hear… oh yes, that night. That beautiful, horrible night.

What happened, anyway? How did he fall asleep next to Peter and wake up in the hospital? Well, not quite. He knew he woke up. He must have if Peter and he and… and his dad went to the warehouse.

“Why the heck were we there anyway?” Harry wondered. “I was still sick. And if Dad was going to give us a tour of anything, it’d be the office buildings or the labs. What would be so great about a chemical warehouse? Well, maybe if Peter was doing an experiment but… No, that doesn’t make any sense, either.”

Harry shook his head and wiped his brow again. What the hell were they doing there? And why did it bother him so much?

The young man’s heart was beating hard in his chest as he turned the knob on his bedroom door. He felt so sick. So dizzy. And these thoughts, rather than causing him to concentrate on something other than his pain, only seemed to make it worse.

“Oh, Jesus…” he muttered. C’mon. He could make it. Just a few more steps to the door.

(Come on, Harry. One foot in front of the other.)

He stepped forward. The room spun again. Harry moaned and slid to the floor.

God, he couldn’t do this. He just couldn’t do this. He needed something… anything.

Harry thought for a minute. The joints were all gone, but maybe he still had a pill or two in the medicine cabinet. Harry grasped the knob on the door and made his way to the bathroom.


“So, did you enjoy that book I lent you?”

“Oh yes, I loved it!” May Parker smiled as she drank a sip of water. “That one boy in it… What was his name? Oh yes, Daniel Saunders. He reminded me of you, Peter.”

“Really?” Peter stared blankly at a couple on the other side of the room. The girl giggled wildly as her boyfriend tried to steal a kiss.

“He was so bright… so full of potential,” continued May. “Of course, he and his father didn’t have the lovely relationship you and Ben had but the intelligence reminded me of you…”

“Have you ever read The Chosen, Peter?” asked Anna.

“I don’t really have time to read these days.”

“Mary Jane,” said May. “How about you?”

Mary Jane’s red head finally rose up from the plate it had been hovering over for the last half-hour. “What?”

“Have you ever read The Chosen?”


“Oh… well, you should. It’s very good.”

Silence fell over the table for the eighth time that night. May and Anna glanced at each other as their respective nephew and niece mechanically ate their dinners.

“Umm…” Anna coughed. “I’m going to go freshen up. I’ll… I’ll be back in a moment.”

“I’ll come with you,” said May, her voice tinged with a hint of eagerness. With that, the two women rose from the table and left.

Mary Jane looked up. “Will you talk to me, please?”

Peter kept eating. He glanced at the couple and saw that he’d caught her.

“Look, I know you’re mad and trust me, I’m not exactly happy either, but if we don’t talk they’re going to make us. You know them.”

Peter sighed. “Fine. What do you want?”

“Why are you mad?”

Peter just looked at her. “‘Why am I-’ God MJ, I…” Peter sighed. “Nevermind.”


He shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“It’s this, isn’t it? It’s me going with you. Peter I couldn’t help that, I…”

“Oh, give me a break,” Peter grumbled. “You think I didn’t notice how you treated him?”

“How I- Peter, he called me a slut! I don’t care if he is your boyfriend-”

“Funny,” Peter said. “I thought I was his boy toy.”

Mary Jane winced. “Okay, so that was going a bit too far. But it’s not like he’s innocent!”


“Uh-huh. And he started-”

“You’re both acting like children.”

Mary Jane’s mouth hung open for a minute. Peter just sighed and stood up.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I hear the Bugle calling me. Tell Aunt May I’ll visit her tomorrow.”

“You’re leaving?”


“No, you’re not! Sit back down.”

But Peter was adamant. He turned from the table and shot out the door.

Mary Jane stared at the table dumbfoundedly. Her red eyebrows curled in anger. “No way!”

A clang rang out through the restaurant as Mary Jane slammed her fork against the table. She heard a few people whisper after her as she walked across the room and slammed the door behind her.

She flew down the street after Peter, who was still walking away. “Mr. Peter Parker, if you think I’m going to sit in there and make up a stupid excuse for you after what you said to me, you’ve got another thing coming!”

“Leave me alone,” Peter said without turning around. “I don’t have time for this now.”

Mary Jane groaned and ran up to Peter, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning him around. “You know what, Peter? You’re my friend. You’re one of my best friends. But you can be a real jerk sometimes. You’ve been a real jerk this past month. Now, you were in pain and I understand that, but I don’t deserve this.”


“Shut up! I am not the bad guy here! I am not the one who threw a hissy fit when he learned you were gay. I…” Mary Jane sighed and turned away. “Nevermind. I… I’m sorry. I lost my temper. I…”

Mary Jane stopped when she felt Peter’s hand grasp her shoulder.

“Don’t be sorry.”

Mary Jane turned around.

“You were right about me being a jerk this past month. And it’s okay that you lost your temper. I shouldn’t have left you there. And you haven’t deserved a lot of what you’ve been getting lately.”

Mary Jane smiled weakly as Peter put down his hand.

“You are a good friend, Mary Jane.”

“Thank you.” Mary Jane pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I really meant what I said about you being my best friend, Peter. You were all my best friends. You, Flash, Harry, Gwen. I really loved you guys…” Mary Jane turned her face to the side and said in a small voice, “I still do…”

“Well,” Peter said cautiously. “If you still love Harry, why not…”

“Oh, Peter! He hates me.”

“I don’t think that’s true. He’s just a bit suspicious considering…”

Mary Jane rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s comforting!”

“No, MJ. I mean it. I’m sure that if you just talk to him…”

“Talk to him? Peter, every time we talk it turns into a screaming match.”

“But maybe if I’m not there…”

“It won’t matter.” Mary Jane sat down on the curb. “No matter what I do or say he still thinks of me as some sort of boyfriend-stealing harpy.”

“He’s not so misunderstanding.”

“No, but he’s bloody stubborn.”

“That I’ll give you,” Peter smiled and sat next to her. “But can we try, Mary Jane?”

The young woman hugged her legs. “I don’t know…”

“Please?” asked Peter. “You said you’d work on Flash for us. I can work on Harry, but I need your help.”

Mary Jane said nothing. She stared at her feet. A cold breeze ruffled her red hair. Finally, she spoke. “Let’s finish our dinner, Peter. Let’s go back inside and have a nice dinner with Aunt May and Aunt Anna. Then I’ll come home with you. And I’ll talk to Harry."


A short time later, May Parker smiled as her nephew’s lips brushed against her cheek.

“Thanks Aunt May,” said Peter. “That was fun.”

“Well, I’m glad, dear. I had a fun time too.”

“Good-bye, Mrs. Watson.”

“Good-bye, Peter” Anna turned her arms to Mary Jane, which her niece accepted gratefully. “Call me soon, Mary Jane.”

“Sure will, pretty lady.”

Peter smiled weakly as he caught Mary Jane’s wink. It was strange how Mary Jane could switch from angry to happy so quickly.

He wished he could do that.

“Well,” Mary Jane continued. “Peter and I are going to go. See you later.”

“Bye!” May and Anna waved as their nephew and niece walked down the street and out of their sight.

“Well,” smiled Anna. “That evening really turned around. I wonder what happened.”

May shrugged. “You never can tell with children. Trust me, Anna. I could live to be a hundred and Peter would still find some way to surprise me.”

“I don’t doubt it, May. I don’t doubt it.”


Peter and Mary Jane didn’t talk as they left for the apartment. They just walked, side by side, not touching each other, Peter sending Mary Jane a slight smile every once in awhile (to which she responded with an unenthusiastic smirk). They just walked.

The two reached the apartment in a little less than an hour. As they descended the stairs, Peter finally spoke.

“I really appreciate this, Mary Jane.”

“Yeah, yeah. Be quiet before I change my mind.”

Peter laughed. “Point take…” His voice trailed off.

Mary Jane’s eyebrows furrowed. “What is it?”

Peter looked around nervously. His spider-sense was tingling. But why? What could be…? Oh God…

“Peter, what’s wrong?”

“Harry’s in trouble. I don’t know why or what from, but…”

No more words were spoken. The two flew up the stairs as fast as possible. Peter quickly pulled a key out of his pocket and opened the door.

“Harry!” Peter called out. No answer. “Harry!”

Mary Jane stepped up behind Peter. “Maybe he went out for something.”

“What kind of ‘something?’” asked Peter.

Mary Jane gulped. “Let’s check the rooms.”

Peter rushed over to Harry’s door while Mary Jane glanced in the bathroom.

“Nothing,” she said to herself. Well, not quite nothing. The medicine cabinet was open and an open bottle sat on the edge of the sink.

Mary Jane kept looking. Peter was still fiddling with Harry’s locked door, so she checked in Peter’s room.

Her green eyes widened when she looked inside. “Oh, this can’t be good.”

Meanwhile, Peter, realizing Harry’s door wasn’t going to open any time soon, rammed his shoulder against it. The door gave instantly.

Harry lay at the foot of his bed, half-dressed and barely conscious. His body was slicked with sweat, his blue eyes glazed over.

“Oh God!” Peter rushed to Harry’s side and tapped his arm. “Come on. Speak to me, Harry. Come on, I’ll call the doctor. Just… just…”

A whisper. “… Peter…”

“Yes, I’m here.”


Harry turned to Peter, his eyes opening slightly. “Peter…”

Peter grasped Harry, pulling him to his chest. His eyes shut tight as he held him. He was okay. Oh, thank God. He was okay.

“Don’t worry, buddy,” said Peter. “I’ll get you a doctor. I’ll help you. You’ll be fine again before you…”

“I don’t need a doctor, Peter.”

“What?” Peter separated himself from Harry, hoping to get a glimpse at his eyes, but Harry’s head just slumped on his shoulders. “Don’t be like that. You need to be detoxified. I know you may not think you want to, but…”

“… but you can make it all better, can’t you Peter?”

“I can, but…”

“You can capture my father, Peter. You’re sure of it, aren’t you?”

Peter suddenly felt cold. “Har…”

“Sure of it. Sure. Sure, I trust you. You told me your secrets, Peter. Secrets you never told anyone. Why would you lie to me now?”

Oh no. “Harry, I…”

“Oh, but you can make it better, right Peter?” Harry raised his head. Even through their drug-addled glaze, Peter could see the rage in Harry’s eyes. “Why don’t you fuck me and make it better? Your bed or mine this time Spider-Man? Or do you prefer Spidey?”

Peter’s heart was racing. His tongue tried to fumble out an explanation. “I… look, I… I can explain.”

“Shut up!” Harry pushed himself away. “Just shut up, Peter. What’s wrong with you, anyway? Did you think I was stupid or something? Did you…” a soft sob escaped Harry’s lips. “I thought I was crazy, Peter. I kept getting these thoughts. Spider-Man and the Goblin… I…”

Peter tried to say something, but couldn’t. Harry’s arms wrapped around him and Peter awkwardly hugged him back.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Harry squeezed Peter tighter. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Peter felt like he was frozen. What could he do? What could he say? “I… I’m sorry, Harry. I…”

The young man stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps. Peter’s sense of stability dropped another ten points when Mary Jane entered the room. His Spider-Man costume was draped across her arms like a burial shroud.

“I take it he found this, huh Tiger?”


“You did right by calling us,” said Dr. Admonson. He sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room, adjusting it so he faced Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. “I won’t lie to you. Your friend is in bad shape. But he’s in safe hands now.”

“How long will he still be here?” asked Peter.

The old doctor sighed. “His arm hasn’t suffered any further damage. Detoxification will take at least a few weeks. But if you want my advice, I suggest you both try to convince him to enroll in a rehabilitation clinic. This is his third overdose, yes?”

The both of them nodded.

“Right. And has he taken any drugs since his last overdose?”

“Well no,” Peter said. “I don’t think…”

“A friend told me he was smoking pot,” said Mary Jane.

Peter stared at her.

“I see,” said Dr. Admonson. “I’ve dealt with addicts before. Ultimately, if Harry has any hope of getting better, he must help himself. But I commend you both for being here for him. He’ll need friends in a time like this.”

“Yes,” Peter whispered. “He will.”

With that, the doctor left. As soon as the door clicked close, Peter frowned.

“So what else do you know about my life that I don’t?”

“I’m sorry, Peter…”

“When did you find out?”

Mary Jane lowered her eyes. “Years ago. It was the night your uncle died. I saw you run into the house… and Spider-Man came out.”

Peter’s head slumped. He covered his eyes, and then got up.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Mary Jane.

“No, I…” he turned back to Mary Jane. “I need some time to think.”

The door creaked open and clicked close again. And once again, Mary Jane was alone.


Many hours later, Spider-Man stepped into the clutter of his apartment. A few chairs were knocked over. More than a few drawers had been opened and ransacked. Clothing littered the floor, as did the sheets of the pull-out couch which one of them forgot to take to the Laundromat today.

Peter took off his mask and walked into his room. The door to his closet had been broken in Harry’s drug-addled, adrenaline-powered raid. Mary Jane had found his spare costume sprawled across the floor earlier, and even now he could see his webshooters and spare cartridges added to the mess of scientific and photographic equipment.

Peter bent down and began to pick his things off the floor, replacing what was intact to its right place and piling the garbage in a neat pile.

It didn’t take him long to clean his room and it took him even less time to sweep up the garbage. Then he started on the other rooms, replacing furniture, cleaning and throwing out the pills in the bathroom, piling up the laundry (he’d take it out before he brought his pictures to the Bugle tomorrow).

When he finally swept up the last speck of dust in the kitchen, he looked out and over the apartment. It looked perfect. Like nothing had ever happen.

And, without knowing why, Peter began to cry.



“Hey, handsome. It’s me. Listen, I just wanted to know if you got my last message about Harry but… well, I guess you’re not home now. Listen…I don’t know how you feel about all this but… call me, okay? Bye!”


Peter Parker closed his eyes and lifted his face towards the shower nozzle. The warm water beat down on him, forming rivers over his face and chiseled body. He ran his fingers through his wet, brown hair. Then he reached for the soap.

Dr. Admonson had called earlier. Harry was awake and making good progress, but somehow Peter couldn’t bring himself over there. He’d kept busy. He did the laundry. He dropped off the photos. He patrolled the city and caught some black couple robbing a store (Didn’t they say something about working for Electro? Hmm… some people will say anything for attention.).

Still, throughout it all he thought of Harry. Maybe he should have told him earlier. Maybe he should have pressed him harder to come to dinner. Maybe then he wouldn’t have been so desperate…

Peter scrubbed his chest, allowing the soap to bubble up and slide down his body. Then again, Mary Jane said that Harry had been smoking pot for the past month. Maybe it was inevitable.

The young man sighed and worked on his arms and legs. He then passed the soap over his genitals, scrubbing the smooth shaft and the hair at its base. This was a nightmare. Why didn’t Harry tell him about the pot? How could Mary Jane have known about him being Spider-Man for so long and not said anything?

He reached for the shampoo. Maybe he was the stupid one. God, but… if he hoped for anything, he hoped he wouldn’t have to face this. He’d lost Gwen. Did he have to watch Harry kill himself?

It was done. Peter’s heart felt heavy as he turned off the shower. He grabbed a towel off the rack and dried himself, moving towards his bedroom as he did so. Peter then threw the towel in his hamper and opened his drawers. Underpants. Shorts. Shirt. Dressed.

Ring! Ring!

Peter turned. The doorbell? But who would be visiting now?

Ring! Ring!

Shrugging, Peter walked to the door. His eyes almost bulged out of his head.


The former jock smiled at Peter’s surprised expression. “Hey, Parker. Can I come in?”

“Um, I guess…” Peter closed the door as Flash walked inside.

Flash looked over the apartment. “Place looks neat.”

“Yeah, I just cleaned it yesterday,” Peter said awkwardly. “Flash, what are you doing here?”

Flash kept looking around the room. “I heard about Harry.”

“Oh,” Peter frowned. “So now you care?”

Flash whirled around. “Hey, I-!”

“You what?” Peter challenged. “I thought I was a… what? Insane fag? Something like that?”

“I never said that! … Well, maybe I did, but-”

“But what?”

Flash sighed. “Look, Parker… Peter. I don’t particularly like this, okay? I think this is gross and stupid and… Damn it, how can you just change like…?”

“We didn’t just…”

“Whatever. It…” Flash shook his head. “I don’t like this, okay. But… but I can deal with it.”

Peter looked at Flash strangely.

“Look, Peter. Harry’s a pal. And well… he could do worse than you, I guess.”

“Was that a compliment?” Peter smirked.

Flash gave him one right back. “Don’t get used to it. But I… well, look. I talked to him a bit when you guys weren’t speaking and, well, he puts a lot in you, Peter. A lot of trust and hope and… well, a lot of the obvious, I guess.”

Peter laughed. “And you said you didn’t like this? You just made a joke.”

“Eh… Anyway. My point is I think he’ll be okay. Just… you know…” Flash looked Peter right in the eyes. “Don’t screw it up.”

Peter just stared back at Flash. Easier said than done.

“Well,” said Flash. “I better get going.” He moved to the door, but then turned back. “Good luck, anyway.”


“Hello, Harry.”

Harry’s eyes widened when he saw his ex-girlfriend standing at the door. “Oh… hi. What… what are you doing here?”

“I… I just came for a visit. If that’s all right.”

“I guess…”

Mary Jane pulled a chair up near the side of the bed. “They treating you well here?”

Harry shrugged. “Well, the food’s awful and I think they forgot the back on this outfit but other than that it’s okay.”

“Heh.” Mary Jane smiled for a moment. Then she straightened her face. She waited for Harry to say something. Nothing. “We need to talk.”

Harry sighed. He would have rather told her to go away, that he didn’t want to see anybody for the next twenty years. But- “Yeah, I guess we do.”

Mary Jane nodded. “I-”

“So-” Harry said at the same time.

“You first,” said Mary Jane.

“Well, I don’t really know where to… well…” Harry glanced at the window. “How much did you see, anyway?”

“I saw how you left Peter’s room, but to be honest, I knew that already.”

Harry’s face blanched. “You mean he told-”

“No. I… I’ve known for awhile now. He never told me.”

“You figured it out on your own, then?”

Mary Jane shook her head. “My Aunt lives next to him, remember? One time I saw Peter go into the house and… well, you-know-who left through the window. Right place at the right time, y’know?”

“Yeah, I know.”


Harry hung his head. “Does… Does anyone else know?”

“Doubt it. I’m don’t even think Gwen knew. She’s a far better actress than I’ll ever be if she did. But, to be honest, I don’t think he was planning to tell anyone.”

Harry paused. “He told me.”

Mary Jane started. “What?”

“He told me.” Harry leaned back on his pillow. “Yes… he told me earlier… before my amnesia. I… I remember him telling me because… because of Dad.”

Mary Jane frowned. “Your dad?”

“Yeah, he… he…” Harry sighed. “He was… MJ you… you remember that guy on the news? The one who killed…”

Mary Jane gasped. “Harry!”

“He… he was going to catch him. Bring him in because of… because of what he did… and, well, he… he wanted me to know first.”

Mary Jane stared at her lap. “Why did you tell me that?”

Harry shrugged. “Well, you asked. And I figure if you knew about Peter and never told anyone then you can know about… about Dad and not tell anyone. Plus, I… I guess I’m just tired of secrets for a while.”

Mary Jane raised her head. Harry turned towards her and for the first time in months, the two ex-lovers looked into each other’s eyes.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, Harry.”

Harry nodded. “Me too.”

Mary Jane stood up. “I… I think that’s enough talking for today.”


“You want me to come back tomorrow?”

“It…” Harry paused. “Yeah, it’d be nice.”

“Okay.” Mary Jane walked to the door.

“Mary Jane?”

She stopped and turned to Harry.

“Is Pe-” Harry sighed. “Never mind.”

“I think he will.”

Harry smiled. “See you tomorrow, Mary Jane.”

“See you tomorrow, Harry.”


A few short hours later, Peter Parker heard a knock at his door. Mary Jane stared back at him when he opened it.

“I did it.”

Peter blinked. “You did what?”

“I talked to him, handsome.” Mary Jane flicked back her hair. “It went better than expected.”

Peter smiled weakly. “Thank you.”

Mary Jane tilted her head. “What’s wrong now?”

“I…” Peter sighed. “I don’t know, I’ve just been thinking.”

“You haven’t gone to see him yet,” Mary Jane remarked.

“I know.”

“You should.”

“I know.”

“Well, when-”


Mary Jane nodded. “Okay.” She turned to leave. Peter closed the door behind her.

He turned away. Another knock. He opened the door again.

“It wasn’t your fault, Peter.”


“None of it was. He would have done it anyway.”

“I don’t know that.”

Mary Jane shook her head. “Just go see him, okay? Harry did ask for you.”


Harry Osborn thought it was a trick of the light at first. Like the sun streaming through the blinds of his apartment in the morning, the fluorescent lights of the hospital streamed through the slits of his eyelids. He blinked and stretched to make sure he was awake. Alive. But it wasn’t a dream.

Peter was here.

Peter was here and Peter was smiling. Harry couldn’t help but smile back.

“You’re late again.”

“Not really. I got here before you woke up. That still counts.”

“Heh.” Harry shook his head. “You really are amazing, Peter. After the way I behaved…”

“No, I… I was wrong. I should have told you about it earlier.”

Harry sighed. “Peter, Mary Jane visited me today. She said you don’t tell anybody about being… well, you know. You don’t, do you? We’re the only three people who know, right?”

Peter nodded. “I hope so, at least.”

“But why, Peter? You could have told me. I wouldn’t have told anyone. I… I should have known. My dad and my best friend fighting I… why didn’t you tell me? I could have handled it.”

“Well, I… I know, but…”

“But what?”

“I…” Peter sighed. “Harry, I’ve been doing this since I was fifteen. And, well, I won’t say there isn’t a lot I love about being… him. But most days it’s more trouble than it’s worth.”

Peter exhaled. Harry’s face was neutral as he continued to listen.

“I… Well, come on. Do you think I like being late for everything? Missing dates? Missing class because some psychopath in a jumpsuit has me stuck in some cage of death? I miss you guys, Har. I want to go out and have fun but most days I just can’t and… well, you can, Harry. You can go out and have fun and not have to worry if Electro’s ready to short out the city or Dr. Octopus is out to kill you. And…” Peter hung his head. “And I didn’t want to take that away from you.”

Peter didn’t look up. Harry paused, then frowned. “You didn’t want to… god damn it, Peter! He was the Green Goblin! My father was the Green Goblin and you… because you wanted me to be some ignorant kid?”

“Innocent…” Peter mumbled.

“Inno-” Harry sputtered. “Jesus Christ, Peter. I’m your best friend. Your lover. I love you. I… We’re supposed to tell each other everything. We’re supposed to be equals. I don’t need to be protected.”

“Maybe,” agreed Peter. “But you weren’t exactly telling me everything, either.”

Harry’s face turned pale. “I…”

“Mary Jane said you’ve been smoking pot for the last month, Harry.”

It was Harry’s turn to look ashamed. “I… I was going
to quit.”

“‘Going to’ being the operative words?”

Harry sighed. Peter placed his hand over Harry’s.

“I guess we’re both guilty then. Huh, Peter?”


“I… I’m sorry. I… Like I said, I meant to quit. I just got so mad and… and…” Harry caught Peter’s gaze. He slumped in embarrassment. “…And I don’t have an excuse. I’m just sorry. Do… Well, what should we do?”

“What do you think, Har?”

Harry shrugged. “I don’t know. I… I need help, don’t I?”

Peter nodded. “If that’s what you want. I’ll help you. If… If you’ll let me, at least.”

Harry smiled. “Thank you, Peter.”

Peter smiled back. “I, uh…” he picked up a brown bag. “I got us this to eat on the way over. I figured you’d be sick of hospital food.” He reached inside and took out something wrapped in aluminum foil.

Harry opened it. “Pork roll! Food from the dump?”

“Only the best for my princess.”

Harry made a face. “I don’t care what kind of mutant spider powers you have, Peter. If you call me that again, I’ll…”

“Mutate spider powers.”


“Mutate spider powers. I’m a mutate, not a mutant.”

Harry scoffed. “What’s the difference?”

“Mutants are more or less born with their powers. Mutates get them from an outside source.”

Harry stared at Peter blankly.

“Well, see. When I was fifteen years old I went to this scientific demonstration on radioactivity…”

Peter continued to talk and Harry continued to listen. And it went on like that for the next hour, the young men talking and listening as they ate. Somewhere along the line one of them locked hands with the other. Soon things would change. Peter would be going home soon. Harry needed medical care. May would have to be told about them and their relationship and their friendships with Flash and Mary Jane still need patching.

But for now, none of that mattered. They were together. They were honest and they were close.

And for now, their hands would not let go.

The End.

16 year old virgin's magnum opus, pairing: peter/harry, fandom: spider-man, slash, i dont do drugs, homophobia is bad, fandom: spider-man comicverse

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