Sep 30, 2005 13:16
So, I'm eating a three day salad. Yummy. It smells funky. I guess I have to bite the bullet and go to wegmans and so yummy clean and fresh food that does not make my hands and breath smell similar to dead fish. So I have been looking for replacement LCD screens for my projector. I wonder if I end up and get one, will I be able to install it. Hopefully working inside projectors will come naturally to me like working inside computers did.
I just updated my Face book Profile. I am now taking classes!!! Also, I made a list of movies I like. It is far from complete, but here it goes.
But I'm a cheerleader, Coffee And Cigarettes, Cowboy BeBop Movie, Donnie Darko, Ghost in the Shell, Requiem for a dream, Equilibrium, Girl Interrupted, The Hebrew Hammer, Sin City, Pi, The Virgin Suicides, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Hours.....
There are many more, but for now this is the list.
Well I am going to go take a nap or something. Maybe get fresh food.