I've just sent two Howlers home to each of my brothers.
I ranted. I raved. I was profane and impudent and threatened nastily.
It felt good.
And that's all you're hearing from me for a while yet, I presume. For those who are pleased at this prospect, fuck off. I don't give much of a damn about what you think.
Private to Sixth Years )
HEX IT AS PRIVATES! Even when you're telling people.
Salazar's fucking balls, don't you people know how to not get into trouble every day of the week?
Stupid twat.
Anyway, it's not like anyone knew what we were talking about. They probably just think we're being our crazy, usual selves.
Murdering Hippogriffs, what does it take to get rid of you?
But yes. I did get busted by the headmistress once. I earned the points back not long after.
Now, will you please sod off?
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