Latest News and Goss

Aug 23, 2006 19:15

Well I haven't been on here in a long time due to moving and having lack of internet, but unlike Richard I'm not sad enough to enter Radio Lancashire to access my livejournal ;)

Well what's new? I finally got over the stress of moving and we have eventually done it and it's goign very well. We've had our moving in party which went down a success and surprisingly my brother turned up which meant alot to me. But yeah everyone got drunk and merry (me especially!) Was a good night all in all though (apart from cleanign up the next day!)

Living together has been fun though, I don't feel like a married couple yet thank god. Just been a laugh so far with a couple of arguments but nothign major (no fist fights yet).

Just been inviting mates over alot and been starting to go to Liquid on Wednesday nights with the girls as it's Indie night upstairs which has been a laugh lately. My picture happened to be up there as well,smashed out my face with Sarah but we look hawt so it's all good. Any one who wants it for a wanking picture just email me. (kidding)

Went to V this weekend and although at the time and a few hours after it scored with me at least a 4/10 as you can tell by this picture:

But after seeing this picture:

I decided the festival deserved a 7-8/10. In total I saw -

The dogs - Met them in Manchester and suprisingly much better than when i saw them there.
The Feeling - Not intended. Just happened to be playing in the background, but the songs I knew were really good.
Hard Fi - Dissapointingly bad - gutted about this one.
Faithless - Amazing. Only one bad thing was raving to them at six o'clock.
Morrissey - I had the racist vegi but he was excellent.
Keane - Just what I'd hoped for. AMAZING.
Beck - Best of all the festival just because he was just so shockingly ace.
Radiohead - I knew these would be ace and they were and much more.

Despite the lack of bands it was well worth the money for all the memories :
* Me and Angie going on all the fair whilst leathered then later going on a Bungee Ball and ringing everyone to tell them.
* Everyone doing poppers, expecially Baino and Dave.
* Baino's T-Shirt.
* The fake sun glasses night, H looked like a spaz.
* H using the She-Pee on the first night and a young boy being deeply disturbed.
* Me and Mark doing the Bungee Ball and it seeming like it lasted forever.
* Losing H three times in two hours.
* Me and Ang and Mark making up songs about Dave losing his wife.
* Baino's cock.
* Shit finger - the new band
* Shiiiiiiiiiiiiite - haha.
* Waking up to a broken tent.
* Picking up randomers wellies on the drive home.

Ha ha loads have come flooding back but far to many to type here but all in all it was good. Probably wouldn't go again unless someone top was on but it was a top laugh.

So all in all I've been good just been chilling at home with Richard and getting used to living with a boy. Worked abit and dossed with my mates and all in all shitting goign back to Uni. Arghhh work. Stupid education, I could live like this forever.

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