(Fanfic- one shot) Chocolate Tears Pt 1

Feb 18, 2008 03:31

 Title:  Chocolate Tears
Group(s): NEWS
Pairing: KusaRyo (Kusano Hironori x Nishikido Ryo), hints of KoyaShige, TegoMass and TomoChi (Yamapi x Uchi)
Genre: Starts out sort of angsty, has a little bit of crack, and some romance/fluff oh and member-ai, who doesn’t love that?  
Rating: PG
Flame?:  None. ^^
Summary: On Valentine’s Day, Kusano doesn’t hear a single word from Ryo, and so he doesn’t expect to hear from him at all on his birthday either.
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A.N.: I sadly do not own any of the boys… though we all know we’d love to own at least one of them. You read the pairing right, KUSARYO. Yes I’m writing it and no I didn’t get hit on the head with anything and you should know full well that the only crack I’m on is Johnny’s Crack, and lots of it, why else do you think I’m writing KusaRyo of all pairings? And a hint of TomoChi, I must have really lost it. xDDD I tried for some angst..not sure how well it came out, but hey I tried didn’t I? I got inspired to write something with angst in it after reading this angsty KoyaShige fic. Also italics will indicate a text message or a flashback, you’ll be able to easily tell the two apart. This is a cross between a Valentines Day fic and a birthday fic for Kusano. ^^

X-Posted to:



One minute after midnight on February fourteenth, a familiar beep indicating new mail was heard from a cellphone lying on Kusano’s bedside table. It was then followed shortly by two more beeps.

Kusano groaned a little before reaching his hand out from underneath the warm covers, blindly fumbling around on the bedside table until his hand managed to grasp what it was seeking. He retracted his hand back under the covers and flipped open his cellphone, squinting slightly before his eyes adjusted to the brightness from the screen.

He had three new messages and smiled before opening the first one. It was from Tegoshi.

Happy Valentine’s Day Notti!!!!~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

He smiled at Tegoshi’s excessive use of hearts and took a moment to prepare himself for even more hearts to follow in the other messages. He typed out a reply to Tegoshi before opening the next one, it was from Koyama.

♥♥ Happy Valentines Day Notti!!!!~ ♥♥ See you soon ok? ♥

Another smile crossed his face. He would indeed be seeing him soon. He had, after all, promised to go out to lunch with Koyama and Shige later that day. Koyama had said that Shige was going to treat them and he had laughed at that. After sending off a reply to Koyama, he opened the next one. At the same time, two more messages came in.

The third one was from Yamapi. He started laughing the moment he started reading it.

Yo Kusano! Let’s go get drunk. We’ll bring Jin along and tell him he’s a duck and get him to swim naked in a fountain. Happy Valentines Day~ ♥

The next two were from Massu and Uchi. Kusano was actually surprised to get a message from Massu so early, much earlier than he expected but he was happy none the less.

Kusano, let’s go out for gyoza today ne? ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day!

Kusano had laughed at that. Leave it to Massu to ask him out for food in a message for Valentine’s Day. He replied back and politely declined and told him he was already going out with Koyama and Shige. He did tell him to ask Koyama if he could come along, the more the merrier after all.

The last one was from Uchi. He smiled at it, knowing that no matter how tired Uchi must be because of his drama, he still found the energy to send Kusano a quick message. It had just simply said ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ and had had a little emoticon of a martini glass. It caused Kusano to double over in laughter at the joke. They had both learned their lesson, and now made occasional jokes referencing to the mistakes they both had made.

Kusano went back to sleep after replying, phone clutched loosely in his left hand, not expecting another message to arrive so early in the morning. He woke up around eight still feeling a little tired, but he ignored the tiredness and flipped open his phone, and was disappointed to see that there weren’t any new messages.

That’s when he decided to send one himself. He pulled up the number he was looking for and quickly typed out a message.

Happy Valentine’s Day Ryo! I know you’re probably either busy sleeping or busy working. I don’t know which, but have fun with whatever you’re doing.

I love you! ♥

Kusano knew Ryo didn’t like to get a ton of emoticons in his mails, but he included a heart at the end anyways. Besides, he could get away with it.

He got ready for the day ahead of him. He was going out to lunch with Koyama and Shige and it wouldn’t surprise him if Massu and Tegoshi came along as well. Yamapi and Uchi probably wouldn’t join them since they probably had plans to spend time alone together.

All through lunch, Kusano would secretly take out his phone and check it for a new message, just in case he had missed the sound notifying him of a new one. However, his action didn’t go unnoticed for long and soon the four band mates and friends eating him were exchanging knowing glances, as well as worried ones (well, Koyama was worried). Massu and Tesshi were busy feeding each other while Shige was frantically trying to get them to stop because they were in public.

Tegoshi innocently opened his mouth while Massu was drinking some tea and asked, “So Notti, what are you and Ryo-tan going to do for Valentine’s Day? He sent a nice reply to the message I sent him this morning. He even used an emoticon!”

Kusano felt his heart practically drop into his stomach from the shock.

Ryo had sent a message to Tegoshi and not him? In fact, Ryo hadn’t even called him and told him of any plans for Valentine’s Day, or his birthday for that matter. He forced a smile onto his face and cleared his throat a little before answering Tegoshi’s question.

“Umm, we decided to not do anything today since my birthday is tomorrow after all. Might as well wait and have twice the celebration on one day ne?”

Tegoshi seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to eating. However, Kusano noticed the knowing looks coming from Koyama and Shige. They both knew he had been lying, but they chose to not call him out on it in front of Tegoshi and decided to just let it go as they knew already that Ryo hadn’t sent a message or called Kusano.

A few hours later, Kusano waved goodbye to his friends as he headed to the train that would take him home. He  had a couple of shopping bags clutched in one hand and a bag of chocolates (and other things) from the four he had just had lunch with in the other hand.

When he got home, he dumped the shopping bags on his bed before going back into the living room and sitting down on the couch. He dumped out the bag of chocolates and other candy items out onto his coffee table.

He reached for the rather large chocolate heart that had settled itself on the bottom of the pile and he opened it up. As he stared down at it, he remembered something that had taken place on Valentine’s Day last year.

“Here.” A heart shaped box was held out to Kusano and he looked at the person standing in front of him. There was nervousness in Ryo’s eyes, nervousness and something that looked like fear of rejection hidden behind the half attempted glare that was being shown to him.

“Look Kusano, if you don’t want it just say so…”

Kusano gently took the box and smiled.

“No, I want it. You just didn’t give me a chance to reply.”

“Well, you were being too slow.”

Kusano smiled again and looked at the man in front of him. He silently observed the other. He always acted so tough, but everyone knew he was a softie and he cared for all of his bandmates and friends. Especially Kusano.

“I know I’m sexy but really, do you need to stare at me that much?”Ryo said crossing his arms over his chest and smirking.

“So you’d rather I not look at you all? I can arrange that.” Kusano said proceeding to not only close his eyes, but also turned around so his back was facing the other.

Kusano heard the noises of protest Ryo made and he grinned.

“Kusano Hironori. I never said I didn’t want you to look at me. I… I love it when you look at me.”  The last part was whispered so quietly that Kusano almost didn’t hear it, but he heard it none the less.

He was about to turn around when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and then a body being pressed closely to his own.

“Hironori, you didn’t open the box yet you know.” Ryo whispered, his breath hot on his ear, making him feel even warmer than he already was.

With Ryo’s arms wrapped around his waist and his warm body pressed against his back, Kusano carefully pulled off the yellow ribbon holding the heart shaped box closed. He tucked the ribbon over one of his arms before returning to his task of opening the box. He was about to pull back the lid when Ryo stopped him.

“Wait, I want you to close your eyes first and then take off the lid. Just open your eyes when I tell you to, ok?” Ryo whispered in his ear, gentleness and nervousness evident even in a whisper.

Kusano nodded in reply and closed his eyes. “They’re closed now.”

Ryo told him he could remove the lid and he slowly and carefully removed it.

“Open your eyes.”

Kusano slowly opened his eyes and looked down. Sitting there, nestled gently inside the heart shaped box was a large heart shaped piece of chocolate. Written on it in yellow letters was, ‘I love you, Kusano Hironori’.

His eyes widened in surprise and he let out a soft gasp. He hadn’t ever dared hope that Ryo would feel the same way as him, but now he knew. He knew Ryo loved him too.

“Ryo, I love you too.” Kusano said softly as he allowed tears to flow down his cheeks. Ryo tightened his arms around Kusano, drawing him even closer.

“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. You should know though, that I’m not going to be doing sappy love things like this all the time, so you had better cherish this forever.”

Kusano just nodded his head and managed to turn around in Ryo’s embrace, the cover somehow making it back onto the box. Ryo removed one of his hands and used it to bring Kusano’s face closer to his before he pressed their lips together in a gentle first kiss.

Without even realizing it tears hard started flowing silently down his cheeks and were falling gently onto the chocolate heart in his hands, leaving tear drops on its surface.

He reached towards the heart with his right hand and gently broke off a small piece and put it in his mouth and ate it. As he did even more tears began to stream silently down his already tear stained cheeks. This chocolate heart tasted exactly the same as the one Ryo had given him, except it was a lot more bittersweet, partially because of his tears.

He continued to sit there in the silence until he had eaten about half of the chocolate heart. After setting it down onto the coffee table, he pulled out his cellphone and stared at it, hoping it would ring or make a noise indicating new mail. But it did neither of those things.

Onto Part 2~

fanfiction, tomochi, tegomass, koyashige, kusaryo, news

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