Drabble requests open! Help me shake off this block~

Sep 06, 2009 20:41

Ok so I think I have a bit of writer's block...well not so much writer's block....its a mix of things. I have this urge to write angst, but I have no idea what to write.

So, I'm opening up drabble requests, and you can request any pairing, any genre, anything you want basically. No het or porn though, those are 100% out of the question. xD

Just use the following ummm....thingy and fill it out. xD Keep in mind that while I write a lot of pairings, I may not have written the one you request, but I'll do my best to write it.


Help me get out of this slump~ Angsty/dark requests are highly encouraged so I can get it out of my system so I don't angst up my Je Hol fic...which I'll be in trouble if I do that cause then I'd have to write another one, but non-angst. xD

Oh, I almost forgot~ Welcome back crystallekil ~ <3333


You can request a max of 7 drabbles/fics. <3 Though if you end up going over 7 its not a big deal. xDDD

fanfiction, crys, randomness, boredom

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