(Fanfic) Boring No More Chapter 3

Nov 05, 2007 00:14



Junno had eventually come back to his cubicle, Tatsuya was busy working on a big project he had been assigned to recently, but was aware that Junno was back from where ever he had gone off to.

As he was going to get up and say something to Junno, perhaps what he had tried to say earlier, Koki chose that moment to walk into his (Tatsuya’s) cubicle. “Guess who was in the copy room just now..on top of the copy machine.” Koki said with a half amused, half disgusted tone in his voice.

Tatsuya thought for a moment before it hit him..Yamapi had dragged Ryo off and he was guessing that’s where the two ended up, in the copy room. The brown haired man pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and said, “Please tell me that they weren’t actually doing THAT on top of the copy machine.”

“Yup, they were doing THAT, and Junno walked right in on them…they didn’t exactly shut the door either.” Koki said, smirking at Tatsuya, whose back was still to him.

Tatsuya swiveled around in his chair to face Koki. “Not again…seriously if they’re going to do that in there, they should at least make sure no one else is around so we don’t find out about it. Now I can’t go in there and make copies without being totally disgusted.”

“Well when Kame saw Junno walking out of there blushing like crazy after only being in there for a few seconds. So he called down to the janitors and told them to get up here now and bring the strongest sanitizing stuff they’ve got.” A now amused and laughing Koki said. “Speaking of Junno….” Koki turned and walked out of Tatsuya’s cubicle. Tatsuya stared after his friend, thinking of calling him out on his rude behavior, but it was nothing new, so he decided to let it go.

Seconds later he heard Koki’s lowered voice coming from the cubicle next to his, Tatsuya shrugged it off and went back to trying to work.

Meanwhile over in Junno’s cubicle….

“Yo. Look I’ll get right to it. I know that had to be….a sight you’d rather not see again. But every single one of us has walked in on one of the couples here doing that in the office, though now most of us now know to knock before we go into say the copy room for example if the door is closed. So keep that in mind, since it could very well happen again if you’re not careful.” Koki spoke with a lowered voice, but smiled at Junno when he was done speaking.

“Thanks Koki, I’ll be sure to remember to knock before entering if the door is closed to one of those rooms.” Junno said a smile gracing his once again flushed face.

Koki just laughed at his reaction and patted him on the shoulder before turning to leave. “Oh! Before I forget, we’re throwing a party for you tonight after work, so you have no choice but to come, and don’t worry it’ll be tons of fun, everyone’s going to be there.”

“Everyone? Does that mean Tatsuya will be there too?” Junno said, his voice lowered so only Koki heard what he was saying, his face looking hopeful, though after he realized what he said, he started blushing again.

Koki stared at Junno for a minute, before a knowing smile came onto his face and he spoke again before leaving, “Of course he’ll be there, when I said everyone, I meant that everyone was going to be there. Oh, and good luck.” Koki left soon after that, leaving Junno alone.

“What did he mean by good luck exactly?” Junno wondered to himself. The tall man then shrugged and turned around and tried going back to work.

About 3 hours later everyone was done working as it was now lunch time.

Yamapi and Jin dragged Ryo off into the break room the second it was time for lunch.

Kame and Koki followed them a few minutes later, with Koki once again attempting to get the younger of the two to call him Joker.

“Koki its ridiculous, there is no way you’ll get me to call you that. Ever.” Kame could be heard saying. Koki sighed and decided to give up…for now.

Meanwhile… Maru had gone over to Tatsuya’s cubicle to see if he’d stop working and come join everyone for lunch.

However when he was approaching his friends cubicle, he discovered that he had been beaten to it by someone else, and that someone else was Junno.

“Ne, Tatsuya I hate to bother you but..are you going to come to lunch?” Junno asked, unaware that Maru was standing a few feet away, watching him.

Tatsuya who had been in the middle of typing something froze at the sound of Junno’s voice from behind him.

“Calm down Tatsuya, he’s just one of your coworkers and probably a new friend.” Tatsuya told himself as he  took a breath before swiveling around in his chair.

“Lunch? Well a lot of the time I tend to just work right through the regular lunchtime and just eat when I take a break…” He started, not looking directly into Junno’s face.

“Oh..he works through lunch then? I was kind of hoping we could eat lunch together…” Junno thought as he stared down at the younger one, who was still seated in his chair, not looking directly at Junno. The smile Junno had put on his face faltered at the disappointment.

The faltering of Junno’s smile didn’t go unnoticed by Tatsuya either.

“Twice in one day this has happened..and I feel as if it’s my fault too. I..don’t want to be the cause of his smile faltering or even disappearing.” Tatsuya was thinking when he saw Junno’s smile faltering.

“But…if you wanted…umm..I suppose I ought to give myself a break and eat now. I am kind of hungry anyways, I didn’t really eat much this morning.” Tatsuya spoke, smiling a little afterwards.

Junno was a bit shocked when Tatsuya smiled right at him, it took him a moment to recover before he was able to reply, “Well umm…let’s go to the break room then shall we? Unless you wanted to go out for lunch…”

The thought of going out to lunch with Junno and it being just the two of them alone caused Tatsuya to blush and so he quickly pretended to drop the pen he was holding so he could bend down to pick it up..and attempt to hide his blush. He only hoped Junno hadn’t noticed it.

Maru chose the perfect moment to walk up to the pair and interrupt them..he had been observing them the whole time, and while he wanted to see what would happen if he left them alone..but the two wouldn’t make it to lunch since they’d still be standing there and talking.

“Hey come on now, we don’t have all day for lunch you know. And you’ve been saved the trouble of going out for lunch today, since KoyaShige had lunch brought in today, in honor of Junno here being hired.” Maru said calmly gesturing towards Junno and watching the other two jump in surprise at his sudden appearance.

Tatsuya, who had literally jumped up out of his chair at Maru’s sudden appearance, had walked the very short distance and stood slightly behind Junno who was kind of blocking his way out. “Yu…Yuichi where the heck did you come from?” Tatsuya asked in a slightly shaky voice, though he was doing his best to control it.

Maru heard what he was asking but he knew the real meaning of it was Tatsuya wanting to know how much he had actually overheard. The oldest man of the three just flashed a smile at his friend and said nothing regarding that. “Come on now, let’s get going before Yamapi and Jin eat all of the food.” Was all he said before turning around and walking off towards the break room.

Tatsuya decided to take a chance and looked at Junno, whose face he could only see a little of from where he was standing, but Tatsuya thought his darker brown hair looked really good.. then he realized he was thinking of such a thing and the thoughts that ran through Tatsuya’s head next were,

“Wait why am I thinking of how good his hair looks?! Though…it does look really nice, I wonder if it’s as soft as it looks..NO! I shouldn’t think of that kind of thing right now.”

He coughed before speaking. “Umm..so shall we go then? Yuichi was being serious when he said Yamapi and Jin might eat all the food, those two can really have bottomless stomachs sometimes..ok all of the time.”

Tatsuya laughed after realizing what he had said about Yamapi and Jin, it was really true though. Those two really did seem to have bottomless stomachs.

Junno who had still been in a slight state of shock, was shaken completely from it by Tatsuya’s voice. He turned to look at the shorter, but older man. He broke out in a grin at the last part.

“I see, well then we should go, I’m not all that hungry actually, but I don’t want to be rude.”  Junno smiled again at Tatsuya before leaving the cubicle and following after Yuichi.

The older of the two just stared for a minute at Junno’s retreating form..before he came to his senses and quickly followed after him.

A short time later Maru entered the break room, and was immediately called over to Koki…though the beat boxer didn’t mind one bit. Since he was going to go straight to Koki anyways.

Shortly after Junno entered, followed by Tatsuya, and of course Jin happily greeted Junno with a grin…and a mouth full of food. Kame promptly smacked Jin on the head and told him not to talk with his mouth full.

Ryo and Yamapi who were sitting across the table from the pair both snickered at Jin being smacked.

Kame looked up and noticed Tatsuya had also joined them, and thought he looked a little shocked he was happy to see his friend. “Tat-chan, so you decided to join us today? That’s great, and don’t worry I forbid Jin from eating anymore until you guys all got in here.” Kame said, smiling at Tatsuya who had looked from Kame to Jin with an amused and knowing look on his face.

“Yeah well…I thought I ought to give myself a break from working so much ne? And besides, it’d be rude of me to not show up to lunch when its Junno’s first day.” Tatsuya said looking at Kame, who just smiled at him.

Meanwhile Junno had silently walked over to the buffet like thing and had served himself a plate of food..he had wanted to make a plate for Tatsuya as well, but he wasn’t sure what the older man would like.

But he didn’t really think about it for long as he was suddenly pulled away from the buffet, his plate taken from his hands and then he was pretty much forced into a chair by, as he soon discovered, by his TegoMass coworkers.

“Junno, sit by us ok?” Yuya said, smiling at the tall man as he took a seat on Junno’s right.

“Yeah, sit with us, and don’t worry, we won’t pester you everyday to sit by us at lunch.” The other half of TegoMass said as he sat down on Junno’s left, at the same time setting Junno’s plate down in front of him.

Tatsuya hadn’t really been aware of the whole little incident just taking place as he was too distracted with getting some food on his plate, he hadn’t been kidding when he said he hadn’t eaten much that morning.

So he quickly grabbed a few rice balls and some chicken and salad as well before turning to go and sit down.

For some reason when he turned around and saw Junno sitting between Massu and Tegoshi, he was disappointed and a little jealous, but he shrugged it off and went to sit on Kame’s right side where there was an empty seat.

Without a word he sat down and managed to eat without having to say anything for a few minutes until…

“YAMAPI! You just spit food all over me!” Jin was practically shrieking at Yamapi.Yamapi must have been laughing at something, but Tatsuya wasn’t really sure what as he had been too busy eating and trying not to stare at Junno who was sitting on the other side of the table near the end between TegoMass.

What ensued after that was well…Jin promptly grabbed a rice ball off of his plate and threw it at Yamapi, except instead of hitting Yamapi…it hit Ryo.

“You have terrible aim Bakanishi, I’ll make you pay for that.” A now clearly pissed Ryo said through clenched teeth…and well then Ryo proceeded to get up and walk around the table and dumped the contents of his plate right onto Jin’s head.

Tatsuya just sighed and set down his chopsticks calmly and exchanged looks with Kame, and then Maru, who was sitting on Tatsuya’s right.

Junno who was sitting at the other end of the table looked over from his conversation with Massu about his favorite foods to see what was going on. He then looked at Tatsuya…and immediately looked away as the other had turned his head to look his way.

Meanwhile, after getting a plate of food dumped on his head, Jin had made to grab his plate and stand up and retaliate, however he was stopped by Kame who had placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t even think about it Jin. If you turn this into a full blown food fight you, Yamapi and Ryo will be cleaning up this room by yourselves.” Kame spoke with a warning tone in his voice, one that also said to Jin that he’d get no sex for a week if he started a full out food fight.

“Yes Kame-chan~” Jin said in a sing-song voice, not bothering to hide his sigh of disappointment though. Yamapi just grinned at him from across the table.

Everyone else by now had gone back to their own conversations..they were too used to this sort of thing happening that it really didn’t phase them. The only ones who hadn’t gone back to talking were Tatsuya, who was exchanging an amused glance with Kame, and Junno who was slightly confused about what had just taken place.

Luckily Tegoshi saw his look of confusion and spoke up to explain. “Its nothing to worry about ne? This sort of thing happens all the time, we’re all so used to it by now, that it doesn’t even bother us. Though it is still amusing when it happens… the last time they had a food fight, it actually turned into a full blown one, and everyone had to go home early because we all got covered in food.”

“I see, thanks for letting me know that Tegoshi…I mean Yuya.” Junno said as he turned to look at Tegoshi, the male had insisted that Junno had call him by his first name, and Junno couldn’t really resist considering that Tegoshi had been smiling at him rather adorably.

Ryo had once again decided to act as if he was a manager and said, “Oi, all of you hurry up. The sooner we get back to work, the sooner we can leave this place and go party. And I mean it when I say everyone had better be showing up, that includes you princess.”

Tatsuya just rolled his eyes and ignored Ryo, who left the room as soon as he finished his little speech. “Wait..what party?” The thought suddenly popped into his head.

As if he had been reading his mind, Koki leaned over Maru and said, “Oh right, I forgot to tell you earlier didn’t I? We’re throwing a party for Junno tonight, you are coming right?”

Tatsuya just stared at Koki for a minute..he knew that no matter what he’d be forced by Koki to go anyways, and it wasn’t going to hurt him any if he went, so he decided that he was going to go.

“Of course I’m going, did you guys think I wasn’t going to go or something?” Tatsuya grinned at Koki after he said it.

No one else said anything after that, but Koki and Maru exchanged knowing glances, they both knew that the real reason Tatsuya was going was probably because Junno was going to be there.

At the other end of the table Junno had overheard what Koki had asked Tatsuya and he had fallen silent, in hopes of catching the other’s reply..and when he heard Tatsuya say yes a huge grin spread across his face for some reason. He was really happy that Tatsuya was going to be there at the party tonight.

When he thought about it, he really didn’t know where the party was going to be, but he was sure Koki, Maru or someone else was going to tell him before the end of the work day.

Seeing as lunch was pretty much over with now, everyone slowly went back to work…Tatsuya in fact had just left shortly after cleaning off his plate and setting it in the bin to be taken away for cleaning, he had been followed by Koki and Maru. Yamapi had left right after Ryo had.

Junno turned to say something to Yuya, but discovered he was already gone, he looked and Massu was also gone. So he shrugged and left as well, planning on trying to get some more work done.

That left Kame and Jin alone in the break room.

“Jin you should go home and get cleaned up, I’m sure KoyaShige wouldn’t mind you leaving early because of this. So go home and shower, and stay there. I’ll see you when I get home ok? And no arguing either.” Kame said, ignoring the pout that had grown on Jin’s face as he spoke.

Jin knew that Kame wouldn’t allow him to argue so he just nodded his head in agreement, before he got up he leaned forward and planted a short but sweet kiss on Kame’s lips. Then he promptly got up and left.

Kame just grinned before getting up himself and heading back to his own cubicle to get back to work, and since he had told Jin to go home, he’d actually be able to get a lot more done before the end of the day.

((Omg I am sooo sorry it took so long to update this. >< I've had this on my computer done and beta'd for a few days now, but I'm just getting around to  posting it now. I hope you really enjoyed it, and please look forward to the chapters to come..since some fun stuff for me to write is coming up!~  Comments are love. ^^))

boring no more, fanfiction

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