(Fanfic- one shot) A Photobook Shoot Part 2

Oct 03, 2007 16:28

The two photographers, upon seeing what was happening, were laughing so hard they nearly didn’t take any pictures of the whole scene. They still managed to take some good shots though.

“The thorns pushed the sand into the fountain and then the sand pulled the trees into the fountain!” The one who wasn’t sporting sunglasses said through her laughter. The other one just laughed in agreement.

Meanwhile, Jin had now gone into what he liked to call ‘Kame-Only Mode’. It pretty much meant he wanted Kame’s attention, focused only on him.

“Kazu-chan~!” Jin said in a sing-song voice, turning away from the fountain and walking over to Kame. Kame was paying so much attention on watching Maru and Junno attempt to climb out of the fountain, and fail by continually falling over, that he didn’t even hear Jin; nor did he notice Jin walking up to him. Well, that is until…

Jin poked Kame in the cheek. Kame swatted at the older male’s hand, but Jin, being the persistent baka that he was, continued to try and poke Kame in the cheek

“Kame~” Jin was now whining to try and get Kame’s attention. Kame knew he couldn’t resist much longer anyways, so he caved and looked at Jin.

“What?” Kame, using a snappy tone. One of the photographers was watching the scene unfold and she was having a very hard time not screaming over the cuteness as she took pictures of Akame.

The baka known as Jin grinned upon getting Kame to look at him, and using puppy dog eyes and sexy tone in his voice Jin said,

“Can I have a hug?” Kame stared at him and told him,

“No. You’ll try and push me into the fountain just like you did to Yuichi.” Jin looked hurt at the accusation and swore that he wasn’t going to do that. But Kame didn’t believe him and then he walked away, heading right towards a little playground. Jin ran after him shouting out, “KAME~ I just wanted to give you a hug!”

Meanwhile, Ueda and Koki had managed to pull both Junno and Maru out of the fountain and had somehow gotten a hold of some towels (wrapped separately around the two soaking wet KAT-TUN members). Koki and Maru had wandered off. Maru left to get some dry clothes on while Koki had followed him, not wanting to leave Maru alone again (just in case Jin decided to do something again). Junno, however, had opted to not go change right away despite the fact that Tatsuya insisted he go change. It was winter after all.

“I keep telling you Uepii. I’m not even cold.” Junno said shaking off Tatsuya’s words that he kept saying. At that moment however, Junno shivered, and it was a very obvious shiver even under a towel.

“Not cold, huh?” A teasing smile found its way across the shorter of the two’s face.

“Fine. If you won’t go over there and change, I’ll go and get you dry clothes and you’ll change right here whether you want to or not.” Tatsuya stated with a little bit of a playful, but threatening tone to his voice before he turned around and started walking towards the staff to get dry clothes for Junno.

Tatsuya, however, did not see the rock that was directly in his path. A rock so large, that if someone wasn’t being careful, they would trip over it. So when Tatsuya walked towards it, his foot got caught on it and he instantly started falling forward.

Junno had been watching Tatsuya and saw the older male falling forward. In a flash, Junno was dashing towards the other and managed to catch him before he even hit the ground. The photographers were both now silently flailing about as they somehow managed to take pictures at the same time. That was interrupted by one of them yelling out, “Kawaii!~ The trees caught the bushes!~” That, however, was just ignored by the JunDa pair.

“Are you ok, Tat-chan?” Junno asked the older of the two as he helped him stand upright.

“Yeah, thank you Junno.” A slight blush appeared on Tatsuya’s face as he realized that Junno still had his arms wrapped around him.

“Eh? Tat-chan… Are you blushing?” A now smirking Junno asked as he wrapped his arms more tightly around the shorter male. Tatsuya only shook his head in response, and it was a yes shake. That little action made Junno smile even more brightly. Which, considering that it’s Junno, it’s not that surprising that he can smile that bright.

In the silence around them, (well as silent as it could be considering they could hear Jin yelling all kinds of things to try and get Kame to let him hug him from the nearby park) a muffled, “Junno?” came from Tatsuya who had his head leaning forward against Junno’s chest.

“Hmm?” Was all Junno gave as a response. The older of the two lifted his head and looked up at Junno, a serious expression on his face. Junno didn’t know what Tatsuya was about to say, but he was starting to get worried because he was just staring up at him with that serious expression on his face.

“Is he... Going to tell me he doesn’t love me anymore and that he’s dumping me for someone like Nishikido?!” A now panicking Junno thought frantically.

“Junno… You’re still soaking wet and now my clothes are wet as well. We both need to go get some dry clothes on before we both get sick.” Tatsuya said, his face still wearing that serious expression. But those words were a huge relief to Junno.

“You mean… You still love me and you’re not going to dump me for someone like Nishikido then?” Junno said, a look of relief on his face.

“Eh? What would make you think I didn’t love you anymore? And what in the hell would make you think I’d ever dump you for anyone else, especially Nishikido? I’ll never stop loving you Junno, and I would never dump you.” Tatsuya said, smiling one of his oh so naturally sexy smiles before taking one of his hands and pulling Junno’s head down and kissing him.

When that kissed happened, a lot of very loud screaming and “KYAAA!~”ing from the photographers, after getting about six pictures each, both fainted. Several staff members rushed to the two photographers and finally managed to wake up after pouring water on their faces. The screaming of course caught the attention of all six guys. Though, Kame and Jin stayed at the playground, Koki and Maru just stood there, shocked and staring and Tatsuya and Junno were staring, a bit shocked at what had happened with the screaming. Tatsuya and Junno couldn’t figure out what might have been the cause of it. Still not knowing what had happened, Tatsuya dragged Junno off to change into dry clothes.

And also maybe makeout if there wasn’t any staff members nearby.

Meanwhile, Jin was over on the playground with Kame and was still trying to convince Kame that he wasn’t going to push him into the fountain if he was allowed to hug the younger male.

“But Kame~ We aren’t even anywhere near the fountain now. We’re at a playground, and you should know there is no way I’d push you off of a swing or anything.” Jin whined rather loudly, while also pouting. Kame said nothing, and barely glanced at Jin before looking anywhere but at him. Jin now looked like he was going to cry.

In a voice of someone who sounded like they were trying to hide the tears in their voice, Jin said, “I’m sorry Kame. I didn’t want you to think I’d push you into the fountain as well. I’m also sorry for goofing around and being an idiot when I probably should have been taking the shoot a bit more serious if that’s why you’re mad at me. I just wanted the group to have fun.”

Kame had looked up at Jin the moment he said he was sorry and hadn’t stopped looking either; he had his gaze fixed on Jin’s downcast eyes. Kame silently stood up and walked up to Jin and wrapped his arms around the older one.

“Jin…I’m not mad at you for goofing off you baka. I don’t know why you even thought I was mad at you. You know I can be quiet sometimes.. And I was only teasing you when I wouldn’t let you hug me. I thought you’d just hug me anyways without me actually saying yes.” Kame spoke as he leaned his forehead against Jin’s chest.

The photographers hadn’t let that precious Akame moment go unnoticed; the more stable of the two had snuck over to the playground to take pictures.

And then had fainted again right after Kame hugged Jin.

About half an hour later, the two photographers announced that they had plenty of really great shots, and that the shoot was over. The staff told KAT-TUN they were now free to do as they wished for the rest of the day, but told them not to wander off. The boys ended up wanting to just go back to the hotel and relax. They were all a bit cold and hungry, though Jin was hungry a lot of the time anyways so for him it didn’t matter.

The boys all ended up in Koki and Maru’s room with pizza, popcorn and random drinks. There was no alcohol since the staff didn’t want them getting drunk in America. They had decided to watch some movies. Though, they made the mistake of allowing Jin to pick, and the first thing the ended up watching was the Japanese version of Hana Kimi. Followed by, for some really strange reason, Proposal Daisakusen. While watching it, they were also randomly talking.

“Don’t you think those photographers were acting a bit weird?” Junno asked between bites of pizza.

“Yeah…What was with them fainting? And I could swear that one or both of them were the ones making those weird noises that sounded like muffled screams or something.” Kame said in response, not taking his eyes off of the screen. Currently they were on one of the last episodes of Proposal Daisakusen and it was about two in the morning.

“I bet they were fans and that’s why they ended up fainting. Who could blame them either ne?” Jin said with a smile, and he did his trademark lip swipe after he said it. Which caused the guys to just roll their eyes at him.

“Why don’t we all shut up and finishing watching this? I want to see what happens.” Tatsuya said while keeping his eyes on the drink, munching on some popcorn after he finished talking.  Silently the rest of the group agreed, though really they just didn’t want to get him mad, because Tatsuya was sometimes scary when he was angry. And so they were all quiet for the remainder of the time they were watching. Though, eventually they all just crashed wherever they were sitting or lying in the room.


((Comments are total love!~ ^^ Thank you for reading it all! ^^))

fanfiction, junda, kat-tun, akame, tanaka

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