(Fanfic) Boring No More- Chapter 2

Sep 13, 2007 19:08


“Tatsuya, this is the new guy, Taguchi Junnosuke.” Kame spoke with a smile as he gestured towards Junno.

Chapter 2

Tatsuya stared at the new guy. His facial expression was full of shock at what, or rather who, was standing in front of him. The new guy was tall, much taller than Tatsuya (who was only 171 centimeters). And not only that, this Taguchi was really handsome and had this incredible smile on his face. Tatsuya could feel his heart beating faster just at the mere sight of this guy.

Suddenly the taller man walked forward and extended a hand out to Tatsuya. He stared at it for a minute before understanding that the guy just wanted to shake his hand. The shorter of the two complied and reached out his hand and took Taguchi’s in his and shook it.

“I’m Taguchi Junnosuke, but you can just call me Junno. It’s very nice to meet you Ueda-san. Your coworkers have said nothing but nice things about you. Well, except for Nishikido-san but I suspect that’s how he always is.” As Junno finished speaking, a huge grin spread across his face as he let go of the other’s hand, stepped back and bowed.

It amazed Tatsuya how the guy could keep smiling like that and he wondered if that smile was permanently stuck on Junno’s face. However, he had to admit it was an infectious smile because at the moment Junno had finished speaking, Tatsuya had unconsciously smiled back at him. Upon realizing that he was smiling, Tatsuya moved his right hand to cover his face and he looked away.

Junno watched with a curious look on his face. “Ueda-san seems to not like smiling in front of people… Or perhaps he just doesn’t want to smile in front of me… I guess he already dislikes me.” The thoughts running through Junno’s mind didn’t distract him for too long as Tatsuya coughed a little before speaking.

“It’s nice to meet you as well Taguchi-san. I’m sure my coworkers have already told you, but I am Ueda Tatsuya, and yes you are correct about Nishikido-kun. He is always like that towards me.” The shorter of the two stepped back and also bowed in respect. At the same time, Tatsuya hid his smile once again. For some reason, this Junno guy just made him want to smile, and Tatsuya didn’t know if it was because of the smile or because it was something about this new feeling towards this guy that made him want to smile and made his heart beat faster.

“Please call me Junno. I’ll call you Ueda-san if that’s what you prefer. I don’t want you to have me calling you by your first name unless you’re comfortable with it.” Junno spoke again, though his smile faltered for a second. It didn’t go unnoticed by Tatsuya either, who frowned slightly at seeing Junno trying to hide his disappointment. What Junno was disappointed in was something Tatsuya couldn’t figure out.

“This guy…There’s something about him that’s… I don’t even know how to describe it. He’s so beautiful, but he definitely doesn’t look female at all. At least not to me. I bet he already dislikes me, so I wonder if I should even try…” Junno was thinking those thoughts as he finished asking Ueda-san to just call him Junno. Tatsuya cleared his throat a little before speaking.

“Thank you for considering my feelings… Junno. But it’s quite alright with me, so you can call me Tatsuya if you’d like. I don’t think it would be fair if I just called you Junno and you called me by my last name.”

Junno’s eyes lit up instantly and then he genuinely smiled right at Tatsuya, who was shocked at the smile being directed at him. All of a sudden Junno ran forward and shook his hand.

“Thank you, Tatsuya!”

As soon as Junno’s hand came into contact with his own, a shock went through Tatsuya’s body. He instinctively wanted to pull back, but something was stopping him from doing so, and he wasn’t sure what it was.

“Oi! Bakas! It’s time we get to work so stop standing around gawking at each other and let’s go!” A familiar voice shouted out from a cubicle near the front of the room.

“Stuff it, Nishikido!” Tatsuya yelled back before he let go of Junno’s hand and walked around him, a small grin on his face that was gone in the blink of an eye. Junno saw the grin however, and thought that Tatsuya should smile a lot more, since it made him look really cute. Junno shook his head at the thoughts and tried to get them out of his head.

“Junno, you ok?” A slightly concerned looking Kame asked, peering up at Junno.

“Eh? Oh I’m fine.” Junno smiled at Kame who looked relieved upon hearing Junno’s words. “But really...? I’m not alright. At least... Not emotionally. This feeling I’m getting when I see Tatsuya... What is it?”

“Oi! Junno, just because you’re new and it’s your first day, it doesn’t mean you’re getting special treatment from me.” Nishikido said walking up to Junno, clapping him on the shoulder, which was a bit hard for Nishikido being shorter than Junno. Junno snapped out of his train of thought and nodded at Nishikido before walking away and going to his own cubicle, the one right next to Tatsuya’s. It was just then that Ryo, the self proclaimed sexy Osaka man, realized Tatsuya had told him to stuff it.

“Oi!” Nishikido yelled walking in a rather angry way towards Tatsuya’s cubicle, practically knocking over poor Maru {who had poked his head out of his own cubicle to see what the yelling was about}. Maru sighed.

“Not even 15 minutes in and it’s already started. And here I thought it was going to be a good day, seeing that we have a new guy here. But that must have been asking for too much.” Maru muttered under his breath, walking out of his cubicle and following Nishikido to Tatsuya’s cubicle.

“Hey princess. Who do you think you are telling me to stuff it?” Nishikido shouted, leaning against the opening to Tatsuya’s cubicle.

“I have every right to tell you to stuff it Nishikido-kun. You’re not the boss, nor are you an actual manager and I don’t care if you’ve been here longer than me. Now shut your mouth and go do your own work and stop bothering me.” Tatsuya said all of that without even bothering to turn around and look at Nishikido, which actually just made him even more angry. Junno had stopped what he was doing to listen in on the conversation, and smiled when he heard what Tatsuya said to Nishikido.

Before Ryo could even reply to what Tatsuya said to him, he felt himself being pulled away by someone.

“Let go of me right now!” He said in a threatening way.

“Not a chance Ryo-chan!~” A sing-song reply came from none other than Yamapi. Ryo just grinned and allowed Pi to drag away, probably towards the break room or the storage closet.

A grin spread onto Tatsuya’s face, he loved it when he was able to tell Nishikido off. That guy always insulted him and it infuriated Tatsuya to no end sometimes. He put up with it because he knew that’s just how that guy was. But occasionally, Tatsuya would retort back with something and it was always priceless to see the look on Nishikido’s face.

“Umm… Tatsuya? That was really cool… What you just said to Nishikido-san. I just wanted to say that... Sorry for bothering you while you’re working.” A voice came from behind Tatsuya, but he didn’t have to turn around to know who it belonged to, as that voice was forever in his memory now.

“Ah, thanks Junno. It’s nice to do that every once in a while. The look on Nishikido’s face is always priceless when I say something back to him like that.” Tatsuya said turning around to look at Junno, who was already gone, and instead Maru was standing there, who now had a grin on his face.

“Eh~ What was that all about Tatsuya?” He said in a teasing tone just low enough so that only Tatsuya would hear him, even though it didn’t matter as Junno had gone off to make a copy of something.

“Nothing Yuichi.” The younger brown haired man said, blushing slightly at the teasing from Maru.

“Well I won’t push you to say anything about then. Good luck though.” Yuichi said with a wink, followed by some beat boxing before he turned and walked away, leaving Tatsuya to himself.

Tatsuya just blushed a little more, wondering what the heck Yuichi had meant at good luck. But as he couldn’t figure it out yet, Tatsuya decided to just distract himself by attempting to get some work done.

((Comments are much appreciated, and thank you for reading!~ ^^ This chapter was pretty much all fluff ne? xD Well a future chapter will be... well it'll be a very fun chapter to write, hehe. Oh and this was beta'd a couple of days ago now I think.. but I was way to tired to post it when I got it back, and I kind of forgot to do it yesterday. xD))

boring no more, fanfiction

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