(Fanfic) Boring No More- Chapter 1

Aug 29, 2007 23:03

Well here it is... the very first chapter of my very first chapted fic! I hope you enjoy it. Oh and tell me what you think of the banner I made to go with it. ^^

Title:  Boring No More (Chapter 1)

Pairing: JunDa (main), Akame, TaNaka, and a bit of RyoPi and TegoMass too.

Genre:  Umm.. fluff, some crack... and more to come I guess. xD

Rating: PG for this chapter.

Flame?:  Heck No!

Summary:  Ueda Tatsuya has come to find that despite the fact that work is full of drama and fun... that its become a tad boring lately. However when a new guy shows up... well things start getting more interesting and fun, even Tatsuya is admitting it, though not outloud.

Beta'd by:

A.N.: This is my very first chaptered fic, and I'm extremely happy to have gotten such an awsome beta reader, thank you Kito-chan! (Heh, hope you don't mind me calling you that. ^^)) I hope you enjoy reading and please look forward to future chapters. Oh and I sadly do not own any of the boys... though we all know we'd love to own at least one of them.

X-posted to:



Ueda Tatsuya

Tatsuya sighed as he entered the office building where he was employed.

“Ah, another boring day at work.”

The brown haired man muttered to himself as he walked past the front desk and over to the elevators. He pressed the up button and waited in silence, drowning out the sounds of the cars zooming past the building on the nearby street. As he entered the elevator, a button for the 24th floor was pressed quickly before the doors even slid shut. Oh sure, Tatsuya’s coworkers were nice, and they caused plenty of drama, especially when their seemingly uptight boss wasn’t around. Though, even when the boss was around, trouble was still caused. But their boss had what he, himself called a great sense of humor and just brushed off all the trouble unless it got out of hand too much.

Lately however, it seemed as if it was starting to get a bit boring around the office. While standing there in the elevator, which was playing some really overly happy song, Tatsuya was enjoying the quiet of the elevator. He was going over the day as he though it would happen, which he knew he was going to be right about it happening, since everything that happened usually happened pretty much the same way everyday. With little changes being thrown in there every once in while, it made it more interesting. The second that the currently black suited and dark red tied clad man walked into the office was when he knew he was going to be attacked with hugs by two of his coworkers.

The first being Akanishi Jin, better known as Bakanishi around the office, and the second was Yamashita Tomohisa, better known as Yamapi. Those two were almost always in very good moods. Which, for having to get up so early in the morning, was quite strange, and even if they weren’t in good moods they would still greet Tatsuya with their usual morning hugs and greet him just like everyday.

Though, if it was really bad, whichever one was angry would just be holed up in his cubicle, sitting under the desk sulking and glaring at anyone who dared to ask if he was ok, coming out only to work. However, he would in a very frustrated way and then said angry person would only leave the cubicle when he was hungry or was bribed with food.

Next to greet Tatsuya as he head towards his cubicle would be three other coworkers and friends of his. First was Kamenashi Kazuya, who is most of the time, just called Kame or Kazuya, though Jin would also call him Kazu-chan, but he was the only one who could get away with doing that.

Next would be either Nakamaru Yuichi, the oldest of all them, usually called Maru or Yuichi. Maru was the one who usually would try and keep things peaceful during the times that were most critical for them to be working hard. Though, occasionally he was the one who was engaged in acting like a child himself, he’d either be standing somewhere in the room doing his comedy duo act with his partner and fellow coworker Tanaka Koki. Or, and this is even more rare since Maru rarely loses his temper completely, engaging in a shouting match with someone, which when it has happened, it’s been Koki.

Which goes to the next coworker and friend that would greet Tatsuya, Tanaka Koki. He was known around the office as just Koki, though lately he has been trying to get everyone, not just his friends to call him Joker for some reason. It was probably part of the tough rapper image he was trying to convey, though everyone that’s close to Koki know he’s a softy at heart and cares deeply for his friends, especially Maru.

Aside from having their comedy duo, Maru and Koki will also be seen rapping, which Koki does, and beat boxing, which Maru does. The beat boxing gets so annoying at times though. Whenever Tatsuya has a huge headache and is trying to work at the same time, he usually ends up shouting rather loudly for Maru to stop the damn beat boxing before he has to go over to his cubicle and make him stop his “spitting”. Or so it’s called by another coworker and pretty much the enemy of Tatsuya, Nishikido Ryo.

He always seemed to be in a bad mood and was pretty much mean to everyone, even his own friends, which in the office are Jin, Yamapi and the mysterious TegoMass. It is the combination of the names of Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa, two other coworkers who are rarely seen apart. So if one is being looked for, you’re likely to just find him with the other.

What Tatsuya had notice about Ryo was that he was always nicer to Yamapi than he is to anyone else. However, Tatsuya isn’t alone in noticing this. Pretty much everyone but Yamapi and Jin has noticed who Ryo is nicer to. Though Yamapi, as dumb as he is some times, isn’t that stupid so he probably had noticed, but is pretending not to. Everyone knows that those two are dating, which in most offices, dating coworkers is pretty much looked down upon. This was only because it could cause trouble if there was a breakup. However, in the office they work in, it doesn’t seem to be a problem since that only adds to the weird and crazy things in the office, making it not seem so weird to date a coworker.

Anyways, after the greetings from his coworkers, Tatsuya would head to his cubicle and try to get work done. Or rather, at least get some done before the drama broke out or the interruptions of coworkers dropping by would start. Depending on the day, that was usually anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours. The first would be by either Kame or Maru, being two of the more serious people there. They would ask him what he had done the night before and he would give an answer and then they would tell him what they did.

Which sometimes, when Kame was telling him what he did, Tatsuya knew Kame was telling him the truth. But hiding the rest since well… no one wanted to hear about how Kame and Jin had sex the night before.  The rest of the day were mostly random and sometimes quite annoying visits from Jin and Yamapi, Koki would come by occasionally to chat, but could tell when his friend just wanted to be left alone to do his work. Ryo would also come by to insult him or just standing there, staring until he was yelled at to go away. Also occasional visitors were TegoMass. Sometimes, just one of them would pop by. If it was Massu, it would be him asking Tatsuya to go out to eat with him, and if it was Tegoshi, he’d be asking Tatsuya how he was doing and then ask him to go shopping with him.

The elevator stopped and the familiar ding was heard, the happy music was still playing. But Ueda Tatsuya was drowning that out as he stepped out and headed to his left, towards a big set of open doors. The doors that lead into the office where he worked. As soon as he headed in… He wasn’t greeted by the usual hugs of Jin and Yamapi. In fact, the office seemed eerily quiet this morning. After taking a look around he finally spotted his coworkers, all of them. Even Jin and Kame, who are usually late, were there. Everyone was crowded around near the cubicle that was directly next to Tatsuya’s, the one that had been empty ever since he had arrived at the company five years ago, soon to be six.

Jin suddenly spotted Tatsuya standing by the door looking a bit confused and staring in the direction of where everyone was gathered. Jin broke away from the group, Yamapi in tow, and came running at Tatsuya. But instead of hugging him, he started speaking very fast and very excitedly. The calmer and older of the two held up his hand and said,

“Jin, you need to calm down and speak slower. The only people who understand you when you’re talking like that are Kame, Yamapi and Nishikido-kun.”

Jin nodded and took a breath, while Yamapi was snickering silently next to Jin.

“Right. As I was saying… The boss hired someone new, and he’s in the cubicle next to yours!” Jin practically shouted, earning him a glare from Tatsuya.

“I’m right in front of you; there is no need to shout at me. Oh and by the way, not like I’m complaining about it or anything… but you didn’t give me a hug when I came in this morning.” Tatsuya teased, a small grin appearing on his face.

Jin just grinned and looked over at Yamapi who grinned back. Tatsuya had a bad feeling about this, and before he could open his mouth to say something, he was tackled by both Jin and Yamapi at the same time and all three of the fell to the ground, landing in a heap.

“Umm... What are those three doing?” A voice Tatsuya didn’t recognize asked. Judging from how close it sounded, the group of people must have dispersed and a few must have come over where Tatsuya, Jin and Yamapi were.

“That, Taguchi-kun… Erm… Can we call you Junno? Anyways that is a usual morning greeting Jin and Pi do to Tatsuya every morning, though it’s not usually this intense you could say.” Another voice, which Tatsuya recognized, belonged to Kame as he spoke. Tatsuya managed to untangle himself from Jin and Yamapi and stood and brushed himself off. He looked up and then he saw him, the new guy.

“Tatsuya, this is the new guy, Taguchi Junnosuke.” Kame spoke with a smile as he gestured towards Junno.
((Comments are love. =D I'd love to hear what you think about this.))

boring no more, fanfiction

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