Cause I sure wish I did.
Hopefully they (unlike me) are sleeping (which is what I should be doing)...
Hopefully they are dreaming about winning hockey games.
Hopefully they are dreaming about coming back from injuries.
Hopefully they are dreaming about kicking the Bruins black and yellow asses. (which is what I should be doing)
So you may ask, what in the world is Sydney doing still awake? Doesnt she have school in the morning? Doesnt she have Hebrew at 10 am and a drama final after that?
Of course she does!!!
Could it have anything to do with the fact that I haven't gone to bed till six in the morning for the last two days because of my suite mates and there...*cough* *cough* night time activities? Now, dont get me wrong, I fully support night time activities...but really, must they be so loud???
And at that you, dear reader and friend, are most likely going, "Way too much information Syd-O." Sorry.
Believe it or not I had a point....I think I've lost it though.
*rummages around in her head* Ah yes, I've found it....
So I'm not gonna like, I found some of these on facebook, if by any chance you took one of these (and honestly, I think only one of the pics really even fits into this catigory) please PLEASE tell me so I can credit you!
Aww, sorta-baby Sash!
I love it when he hits people...must be my gladiator complex....
Why do I have so many pics of him sweaty and drunk looking???
Aww messy hair Sasha!
So we've got a little joke about this pic....I dont know how many of you read the Caps message boards, I can only brave them when I'm desperate for a video feed or we're playing really REALLY well, but one day somebody was talking about how Sasha is the Harry Potter of the team and how he's got tricks up his sleaves and yada yada. Well this caught my very short attention span and I was amused...cause, well ya know, I like Harry Potter. So then (oh yeah, cause the stories still not over) someone posts this pic and starts commenting on how Sasha looks like Harry Potter (see additionaly, not hockey based photo). So I've been looking everywhere for ones without lines across his face (stupid puck safety nets! Actually I think these are incredibly important, even if it takes the slightly dangerous fun out of sitting behind the goals in the 100's) or watermakes across his face. So finally! I found one...and ya know, I would love it if a certian, incredibly special, absolutly wonderful, fantasticly artistic and computer goddess would make me an icon I would be very, very greatful...
Hey, remember these least their at the games...oh, that doesnt bad....they still look hot!
So maybe now I'll try and get some sleep...or maybe I'll just end up looking for more pics...