So I'm trying to send this though enemy lines, hoping it reaches you darling Caps fans...
So I got two, and wasn't that the hardest mission I've ever had to accomplish, tickets to last nights Caps vs. Devils preseason game in Newark, New Jersey last night. If you ever get a chance, dont go. I'm just kidding. The new arena is beautiful, very open concorse, floors that aren't sticky as shit (man, remember when you couldn't walk around Capitals center without the bottoms of your shoes coming off?!?! Good times!!!...yeah, this is what Nassau collousium is like. Keep up the good work Islanders!) The food was awful. Made me really miss overpriced hot dogs wraped in foil, and over priced, over cooked french fries, and over priced soda's where the lid doesn't fit, and overpriced ive cream, and overpriced, stale popcorn, and, well, I think you get the point. Theres no third deck. Theres 100-132 (giver or take) and 200-232. Its weird. And there's these big open spaces where you can walk the concorse and still watch the game, as in no walls in you way. It was actually kinda cool, once you got over how open and odd it was. Only thing is when they dim the lights, they leave the concorse lights on, so it never really gets very dark. Anyway, the arena's nice.
Now when I say that it was hard to accomplish mission #1 and obtain two tickets to last nights game, let me make it blatently clear. I am joking. Easyest thing ever. EVER. I'd heard from some friends at school who try and go to as many Devils games as they can that it can be really hard to get tickets, even in the preseason. Well then I thought with the added weight of a new surge of interest in our babies, that this could be difficult. Well to make and already too long post longer. Not so. The arena was empty. Empty. EMPTY. E. M. P. T. Y. It was like old regular season, bad Caps against the LA Kings Empty. *crickets* Helllo???? *echo*
So I surprised my roomie with the tickets, to much joy and elation on her part. Seeing as its the Jewish New Year, Shana Tovah to my fellow tribesman!, we had last nights night classes and the next two days off from school, so it worked out really well. We got ready and headed out (sans jerseys, dad kindly ask we not wear them, something about not wanting his daughter to get blood on a signed Ovechkin or a brand new Semin should anything happen to us...) After the typical 30 min ride on the lovely LI railroad, then an half an hour wait in the over packed Penn Station (where we spotted a couple in a Green and an Ovie jersey much to our delight, we then spent another half and hour on the NJ transit, we finally made it. Getting off the train we were walking behind the couple in the Caps gear and a group of Devils fans were bad mothing them. Well me, never one to take bad mouthing the Caps lightly, quickly start thowing in my own two cents to my roommate, who joined in. To say the least, the Devils fans shut up. Quickly.
We walked into the arena, and I started looking for a tv, hoping like they do at Caps games, that they show even the warm ups, figuring I could at least watch them while we make our way up to our seats. Well I did just a little better than a tv. We turn a corner, and we're face to face with the arena ( like I said, wide open concorse) The boys were already out there, warm ups just begining. There they were, the Washington Capitals, my babies, out there on the ice. *dies* And thats putting in lightly. Roomie and I have to work hard not to squeel, cry, scream like crazy Beatles/Elvis fans, or shake. I mangaed to occomplish three of these (give me a break, I couldn't help but cry just a little seeing my Alex out there, skating with no helmet on, that thick, dark hair blowing behind him...ok, now I need a moment) We watched warm ups from the lower bowl, and god they were good warms ups. My favorite thing is when Alex and Sasha just plant themselves in the middle of the Caps zone and stretch...and stretch some more...and look really hot while they stretch...then change it up and look really sexy while they stretch...and opps, sorry, need another moment. ......... Ok, I'm good now. Highlight of warm ups (other than the preveously mentioned stretching...) Sasha and Mike skate past each other, and raise their sticks like their gonna give a high stick, and instead tap sticks. Dont really know why this is the highlight, but it was just really cute to me.
Made our way up to the seats, nice cheapies, but still really good, just left of center on the Devils side so we got to watch the Caps shoot twice. The people sitting in front of us were Devils fans, but not everyone is perfect. Half way though the game with women dissapeard and came back with a Devils jersey on, sporting the # 8. I had the worst urge to lean down and tell her that the name was wrong and if she took it to Kettler I'm sure they'd be willing to fix it and put a nice Ovechkin over it.
So the game was amazing. It just made me all the more excited (well, if I could get any more excited) for the season to start. Now I'm sure you're all thinking "damn Sydney's wasted enough of our time with this crap, why did I even click on her stupid link, etc, etc" so I'll leave with with a few personal things.
1. Johnny looked good tonight. And I dont mean, "oh yeah, he'll be ok like he is" I mean GOOD. The man was all over the place. My roomie called him Ninja Johnny the whole way home. He did this one sick shoulder-twist-save thing, and let me just say, I'm sorry they didn't broadcast this game, cause that was worth a tv replay.
2. Its always good to see Brash kick someone's ass then have them esscorted out of the arena while Brash cools off in the box for 5 min.
3. Sasha on the PK. I love it. I love the keep-away penalty kill.
4. Alex on the PK. Love it still. But lets ease up on them on the pk together. We still need them for pp and normal shifts. But I still love it.
5. Cutta. Spent the whole night thinking his name was Otts until he ends up in the box. Opps.
6. Fleishmann. I dont care what you say. I love my some Flash. He played really hard. Sure took a lousy penlty but everyone does. Give the man a break. He's improved infinitly since last season. I think 14 helps, he never looked good in 43. It doens't help that I'd also get him and Sami mixed up when they played toghether....
7. Green. I think he's taken Sasha's place as let-me-fall-down-at-the-worst-possible-time Man. / let me fall down and make Prudential Center laugh their asses off man. Learn to skate Mike. Even my roomie, who would give her left hand to smell Mike's jock was agreeing with me.
8. Alex's face. There he goes again, getting high sticked and scaring the shit out of me. Damn it. Then right back up and practicaly crushing the guy who did it. I love Alex.
9. Jose. Baby, we gotta talk. Goal #2, not your fault, it bounced off your back. Goal #1....lets not do this to much, k?
10. Fedor Fedorov. First off, its sooooooo obvious your mother didn't love you enough. Second, your not supposed to help score on big (and in my opinion, sexier) brothers team. Tisk, tisk.
11. Huet. SUCK IT!!!! 7 1?????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
12. Gordo. Nice goal. MIke....nice goal. Good job learning how to skate.
13. Nicky. Damn you looked good. That ankle must be feeling better.
All and all it was a very good night. I can't wait to come home for the season opening. I'll see all you girls there. Night from enemy territory.
Over and out.