(no subject)

Jul 11, 2005 22:55

I seriously want an inflatable palm tree in my room. I will have my own cabana. Anyway, that whole promo with Jericho and Carlito was awesome. Except for the fact that Carlito said Jericho was fat. That is definitely not cool. He's not fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Piper coming out was awesome.

I'm glad to know Gene has a foot fetish. Wow...

Cena and Jericho...Major yayness! Except Jericho is not cheap and I will be sure to tell Cena that tomorrow.

Someone remind me how a self portrait is a talent again. I mean, I could pour paint all over myself and would it still be considered a talent?


The above made me very happy.

When the thing backstage with Edge and Matt happened I sat up and went, "Holy shit! Was that Hardy?" Then when it was confirmed that it was indeed him I clapped my hands. Yes, Matt, WWE can kiss your ass.

Mad propz to the guy with the ROH sign.

Jericho vs. Cena at SummerSlam makes me do a jig. *clicks heels in mid-air*

I want Jericho's pants I want to be in Jericho's pants.

I'm in the middle of watching Piper's Pit right now so these are all the Raw Thoughts you're gonna get.
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