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quinndominion May 6 2015, 22:45:46 UTC
The Mann rounds feel very far off when I'm still here futzing around with the Beeches but let's just say the honeymoon is over. Mary's got her husband and her babies (and his mother, lord help her; and Dixie is easily as much trouble as she is a help) but the reality isn't much like the dream. She's even still beholden to her own mama! Being sent off, like she had nothing better to do, to help Ms. Daytona out - not that she minded much. It was a lot of work but also something of a respite. Mary can't help realising that being Mrs. Mann is such a different experience for the others, the ones who married Rich and almost certainly for anyone who married Junior if he hadn't been disowned. And if he hadn't, how likely is it he'd have married her? Mary wonders. While Junior likes manning the store and he's cool with the babies and all, a lifetime of old habits don't break themselves. She's as much proof of that as he is.

Hamilton isn't the worst ally for Mary to have sought. She's become comfortable with him, they're friendly, but not that close. He's someone she could hide behind, or more like hide beside, with little chance that he'd realise what was amiss. (While his mama openly took possession of Valentine. Or the reverse...)

Not a lot of fuss was made about Rhett's debut and his audience turned out to be way too dude-infused for his liking, but now that he got Pop to agree (to letting him perform once a week or so, he's still bound to working for Daytona) Rhett isn't about to miss his moment. So there will be future scenes, just not of that night.

Circling back to Mary for a second, I will say that I "foresee" Mary tapping into some of her strength (I won't even say soonish because who knows when I'll get to it) although it may be in unexpected ways. Unexpected, certainly, to herself and...I can't say who else.


ext_705353 May 20 2015, 15:02:44 UTC
I can't think of anybody who wouldn't be surprised at a show of strength from Mary; maybe Valentine, who presumably wouldn't have ever been attracted to her if he hadn't sensed some of what she was hiding, but even he could be surprised at what she eventually does with it. I look forward to this a great deal, and hope it's Lana and Junior who get surprised, and that they profit from it.

You know if you do a little bit every day at the same time you get through the story faster...just thought I'd mention it...


quinndominion May 21 2015, 04:24:59 UTC
Yes, Val has at least been on the other side of the odd flash of fury from Mary even if she reins it in right away, like when she went to tell him about Candy and instead of paying attention to the fact that she must've had something very important to say he starts in about how her husband doesn't deserve her. (When she married Junior largely because he wouldn't come up to scratch!) She needs to be able to sustain some of that and more often.

It's never occurred to me to really build sim time into my schedule; downtime usually leads to simming, provided there's enough of it because my game has traditionally taken embarrassingly long to load, 16GB of RAM in the new build go a long way to fixing that, but I still haven't actually played in what seems like an age. Months, at least. Putting the story together is an accessible way for me to play with smaller blocks of time at my disposal...but I'm not sure about actually pencilling it in. In any case, I like the marathon sessions and I got home early so I'm about to embark on another one now :-)


ext_705353 May 21 2015, 12:28:28 UTC
I think Val is often exasperating to his lovers on purpose. No friction, no spark! He's an odd mixture of good and bad for Mary.

A lot depends on how badly you want to tell the story. You've got an audience out here (and you'd do well to remind yourself that a large part of any audience is invisible), if you need to justify doing it to yourself; but even if all that results is the satisfaction of doing it, that's a legitimate use of time. Creativity is a core human attribute. Possibly, THE core human attribute. I don't know what other outlets you've got, or what else you have going on, but we have time for what we make time for, and we cheat ourselves of a lot of what makes life worth bothering with if we don't make time to create and to tell stories in whatever way works best for us.

I'm a little evangelical about this. Also, I want more story.


quinndominion May 21 2015, 18:15:57 UTC
That is very true but Val may soon (re)discover that there's a limit to just how much tension he can tolerate. Depends on the lover.

Fiction isn't my thing but I've still got deadlines! Of course, that's not really the point and certainly I could squeeze more efficiency out of my days but, funnily enough, I actually think I over-prioritise the sims. There are some pretty prolific updaters in the community; I've been looking at my habitually slow-moving friends feed lately like: really, another one!? But, all told, I still think I update more frequently than most other simstories as involved or just plain long as my chapters turn out to be.

Faster would be great. The fact that I (obviously) already know what happened (and that the in-game story function is how I've played for so long) can lead to procrastination. I personally need a little something more than straight reportage for me to want to fiddle with story posts. So maybe my pace means I lose some of the audience, possibly others will take their place, maybe not, but I am still invested in telling it.

In any case, provided I don't start swapping pics again, in short order: more story!


ext_705353 May 21 2015, 19:08:02 UTC
Your life, so you know best. There's certainly plenty of things that can take priority over a sim story. Just remember that some of us don't know what happened and really want to find out!

It wouldn't surprise me to find Daytona pushing the limits of Val's tension-tolerance. And I wouldn't even classify Lana as a lover! I expect he likes friction best when he's the source of it.

And now I'll go sit on my hands and be patient.


quinndominion May 23 2015, 03:42:59 UTC
The character limit war rages on but I've finally got to the other side of this particular battle so no further need for patience. Just sleep, for me. And I've just been reminded it's Memorial Day weekend so I may have to be patient myself to find out what you think!

I try to be somewhat circumspect about how much I reveal so you don't go guessing everything that's coming before I get around to writing it but I will say that that wouldn't surprise me either...

Enjoy your holiday!


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