I don't think Sandy will be willing to relinquish that connection to her children any time soon, unless it happens to be in exchange for a new name, but y'never know. First things first, getting her out of those old clothes. She wasn't quite ready for that change either before I moved on to the next house, especially considering that the only options available to her would've come from rifling through Candy's closet. What a different impression she would've made showing up around town in full Candy "regalia"! (Not especially gaudy, actually, or even skimpy, but definitely conspicuous on Sandy.) Not to mention how impolitic in her position, but perhaps she'll have found something comfortable for spring by the time I swing back around.
I was going to leave her curiosity piqued but unsatisfied with her watching Val usher Mary home to give birth but Sandy had ideas of her own. Character development aside, however, the main reason I was delighted by her appearances was that I knew I needed Val back at Mary's to finish their conversation but I didn't have a pretext I liked for getting him there until Sandy popped up at their store.
I suppose it's possible there's a few of Angel's things that it wouldn't break everybody's heart to see used again, but even if they fit, that'd be inappropriate in a whole different way and in any case she needs something that doesn't scream "mendicant in hand-me-downs." Maybe she could knit herself something that, when put together with secondhand items, would make a suitable fashion statement?
Actually, the simplest thing would be for Valentine to retrieve some of her old clothes on a visit to Daytona. Assuming Virginia hasn't shredded them all.
That sentence did originally read that she might knit something light for spring but I'm not so sure about that. I do love the idea of her getting some of her old clothes back, though, but I'm thinking it will be Hamilton's doing. Possibly a teachable moment for Virgie but, at least, a way of putting this all behind him. I think he's ready, or he will be, when I actually get started playing Round 3.
Edited to add: I love that idea so much I just jotted down a little preliminary dialogue. Now I'm eager to see how it plays out!
I'm really fond of those small but significant transitional moments. It's important for Hamilton and Sandy wearing clothes that fit will be different going forward. And even if it doesn't serve as an invitation, the path will be clearer for reconnecting with her kids. Provided Virginia doesn't make a scene.
I was going to leave her curiosity piqued but unsatisfied with her watching Val usher Mary home to give birth but Sandy had ideas of her own. Character development aside, however, the main reason I was delighted by her appearances was that I knew I needed Val back at Mary's to finish their conversation but I didn't have a pretext I liked for getting him there until Sandy popped up at their store.
Actually, the simplest thing would be for Valentine to retrieve some of her old clothes on a visit to Daytona. Assuming Virginia hasn't shredded them all.
Edited to add: I love that idea so much I just jotted down a little preliminary dialogue. Now I'm eager to see how it plays out!
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