Jul 18, 2005 20:18
hello all... had a pretty ok weekend although i could not go to see willy wonka with my lambs and smd because of my mother ahh. very sad miss them all soo especially lysa cause i at least saw diana on saterday. we went to see homebody yess was very funn matt was super good even thought he had tonsalitis w.e. that tis and i saw my stalker hehehe danny had not seen him in awhile and i almost stole his hat lol.. but i was cought. w.e. it looks much better on him then on me. lol. well me and diana had a good time even if we could not breathe dem smokers. well after that we went to barens and nobles to buy harry potter yess and im soo gunna beat u diana. haha. and we got these awesome harry potter glasses and a rist band and a poster was quite funny ohh and diana bought me a magazine yess thanks lovley and thanks for the ducky too now i can attack people with it on the streets YES. hehe. we bother some guitar center people cause they would not let us into the guitar center wat losers who closes at 8 for real come on. well dont fell like writing anymore if u have any more questions just look at wat diana wrote about her weekend of something. ohh and i dont hate those girls.
lambchop gone wild love to all