Sep 03, 2006 00:43
Well. I haven't updated in a good while, and since it's 12:43 on a Saturday night and I have no friends, I thought I should.
School started.
I hated my schedule. Well, my teachers really.
I got all of my core classes switched around.
I like my schedule a lot now. It's perfect.
I'm in ceramics.
....?? Yeah. I'm probably the most artistically-challenged person at Northwest. I just didn't want to take ballet2, so I chose ceramics instead. But, Casey and Sara are in there too so it'll be okay.
This year is going to suck, dance-wise. I can already tell.
The first day(well, second day)of ballet4, Ms. Thorsland gave this ridiculous class and all I could do was think of ways to kill myself on the spot. I literally wanted to die. I felt like such an idiot, and her being a bitch wasn't helping the cause at all.
Sara and I went to Boone after school on Friday.
Brad had a cross-country meet, so we drove up right after school, watched him run 5 miles, got some food, and came home. It was good fun though. I really like Boone.
Things have been rough for me lately.
It's been harder than usual for me to handle things, which is saying a lot.
I really just hate being treated like shit and being lied to, so let's stop that, agreed?