Until Then

Jul 10, 2006 14:30

Title: Until Then
author: helgaleena
claim: Star Wars: Quinlan Vos
Characters: Quin, Plo Koon, Aayla
Prompt: writers choice 100
Word Count:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: interspecies, mind-sex, pre-slash
Author's Notes: Quin can hardly wait to see Plo Koon again. The Force itself corroborates that his choice of lover is the best thing for his new student Aayla.
Loosely based on a vignette from Jedi: Aayla Secura, by Ostrander and Duursema.

Quin couldn't stop thinking about the night to come. Every time he glimpsed the slim Kel Dor master in the distance, his hairless orange conurbation of skull protruberances ending in the dark breathing mask and eyepieces, remembered scents and sensations flooded his mind. Mastering himself took a larger than usual percentage of his energy, even as he tended to his padawan Aayla's instruction.

This was her first training sabre, and she was learning to Force-leap with it today, at a remote target. She was blessed with quite a bit of acrobatic agility, which meant that she ended up exhausting herself, with actual leaps that did not rely upon the Force at all. Her own talents were becoming an obstacle between her and her goal, as she fought herself with each effort.

As she picked herself up off the mats once again, he said, "Aayla, let's take a break."

"Yes, Master," she said, trying not to look disappointed, or resentful of the pesky remote. They sat quietly together.

"Reach inside yourself to your center, as we do in meditation. That place is where you must rest, in order to strike. The Force will guide you then."

Master and student both sat silently for a few crucial minutes, as they did each evening. The familiar mental routine would become second nature to her in time. With a new self-posession, she opened her eyes and rose to try again.

Even as Quin encouraged her to be one with the Force in order to reach her goal, inside him the Force hummed with the anticipatory harmonics of his unlikey new choice of partner. The very memory of Plo Koon's unique and acrid scent suffused him with a strange serenity. It was agreed between them. There would be a meeting every two nights in the Master's shadowy, climate-controlled chambers. The very regularity of it was soothing-- it would only be disrupted by their offworld duties.

Very few would credit them as being a couple of any sort, which was fine with them both. Quinlan Vos was young, and rather garrulous when off duty, though the tendency of his features to settle into a saturnine scowl when not otherwise engaged tended to frighten off the more frivolous of his casual contacts. Master Plo Koon of the Jedi Council was known for his silence. He kept largely to himself outside of his duties, even showing no inclination to take a new padawan after the untimely death of his first. Yet in situations that demanded it, he was swift and decisive, frequently called upon for strategy in crisis. He did not make a show of his vast abilities of telekinesis and telepathy; rendering his fellow beings awestruck or intimidated served no purpose. By contrast, Quinlan's acquaintances often found themselves persuaded by him, into escapades they might not otherwise have considered.

His swift apprenticeship of Aayla Secura surprised no one who knew him well. Quin had known Aayla would be his padawan from the moment he'd strolled by the younglings at play, on the day he'd first become a knight. He'd thought of her only infrequently since he and his Master Tholme had gotten the little Twi'lek orphan admitted to the creche, even though he'd saved her life (and she his, in an uncanny way) on Ryloth. Too much went on in the busy life of a padawan learner, growing into a young man. But now, it was as if her blue head tails and cheerful smile continually called out to his eyes. A connection was there. When she was old enough, which meant quite soon after his knighting, he would willingly do whatever it took, to develop her into the wonder he could sense that she should rightfully be.

And the same sense of the inevitable underlay his unlikely attraction to Plo Koon. It was for Aayla's sake that he took lovers. The biological urges that had awakened between him and his fellow human padawan Shylar, that would have led to marriage and children had they not been Jedi, needed to be channeled somehow. And he had no prejudices about loving the same sex. It was safest for Jedi to make informal pairings with another species, as did his own master, or of the same sex. Plo Koon was both. And he'd been interested in the young Kiffar, in his quiet way, ever since they both served on Thyferra.

Quin blessed the evening when he'd quit letting Plo just study him from afar, while he threw himself at Mace, who didn't return his regard. But he respected Plo's sense of privacy, and didn't call attention to their connection in public. There was no need. His own mind-speech was sufficiently well developed that they rarely spoke at all, even at their moments of deepest intimacy. Accross a Council chamber, or in the crowded audience in a training salle, they may as well have been alone. Even now, he could just send out a thought and locate Master Koon's immensely powerful consciousness, sensing his absorption in the duties at hand, as long as they both were in the Temple.

He had followed his master, Tholme, into the field of espionage. It came naturally to him to treat relationships of any sort with discretion. And this one, even though it had only begun to flower, he prized.

Plo needed to know that to someone, he was nothing less than splendid. Quin had no quibble with whatever chemistry drove him wild in the Kel Dor's embrace, wanting to coat himself with those intoxicating secretions. He was just lucky that aside from his lost lifemate, Plo had a fondness for the two human padawans who had briefly shared the touch of her mind with his during the Stark Hyperspace campaign. It had grown into an obsession after her death, of which he had almost become ashamed. And nobody should be ashamed of loving Quinlan Vos, especially Master Plo Koon, the hero of Thyferra. It was his his great privelege to affirm that, every two nights...

What was more, he relished the surreptitious telekinetic caresses Plo would send him, in response to his mental probes. Impatient for the night to come, he kept what he thought was an unobtrusive watch upon Plo's location during the day. But immediately after some of his 'checks', a zephyr of warmth would contact his neck just below the ear, or the stroke of an invisible hand would touch his cheek, with no doubt possible as to the sender.

With a frisson of arousal he realized that if he wished, the Master could completely molest him from a distance, but refrained from causing him public embarrassment.

Even as Aayla leaped once again at the remote, slicing it neatly in two, he thought--

//Oh just let me get my hands on you, Plo Koon-- I will show you arousal, as much or more than what you cause me. In person.//

The reply came as if no distance separated them. //I anticipate that greatly. But let me do my work, for now.//

//Oh, very well-- till then//

//Until then.// And wordless affection surrounded him, like a flower's scent.

So let beings wonder what Quinlan Vos was smiling about, instead of his habitual scowl. It was none of their business where he would be later this night. And Aayla was much too proud of her newfound mastery of the Force, now in harmony with her abilities, to worry about the mixed source of his smiles.

In the practice salle, dark eyes beneath heavy black brows met those of violet surrounded by blue, and sparkling with triumph.

"Never forget this connection, Padawan-- it will give you unlimited access to the Force and its workings."

"I will remember, Master."

"Good. Now let's get ready for main meal."

Oh, there might be evil in the galaxy, Sith hiding in the crevices of civilization waiting to sow misery and subjugation, but at moments like this, he could not imagine their being more than a passing season. The future was in the keeping of Aayla and her generation, who knew the power of a mentor's love. His love for her was a most blessed manifestation of the Force, and he was honored to devote his life to whatever would further her growth.

Tonight, he would celebrate life with Plo Koon. It would help them both to better serve those forces that promoted life. And until then, he would be smiling.


http://hlglne.livejournal.com/16843.html list of all my Quin-Plo fics

plo, slash, aayla

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