Title: Between the Lines
Author: helgaleena
Main characters:.Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Khaleen, Tookarti
prompt: 054: air
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo
Summary: Two Jedi (Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura) are meeting undercover on the space station The Wheel, and doing most of their important communication by telepathy. All dialogue, hence, air.
Warnings: I was trying for comedy, but uh...
Notes: set during Star Wars: Republic #49 "Sacrifice", but it's a re-write. Ends up more or less in the same place, but without the Khaleen patriotic scene, because she doesn't overhear that they are Jedi. For those who didn't know, Aayla was Quin's padawan before being knighted. Now y'all go read the original.
Thank you to my whip-crackin' beta Phaedra Dahl, who really earned her title on this one.
SETTING: space station The Wheel, in one of the seamier utilities sections. Jedi Knight Aayla Secura has followed a lead trying to locate fellow Jedi Quinlan Vos, working undercover as an information broker, as he has not reported in since the Battle of Geonosis, and all Jedi have been summoned to command the clone forces. Her alias, the mechanic Jaayza, claims Korto owes her money. They meet at last.
"Korto, what was the big idea loosing those thugs on lil' ol' me?"
"Yeah well, that was Tookarti's touch. He's a bit overprotective." // He knows Dooku. I have to keep him .//
"Well, I'd like to protect him right back; tell him so for me."
"Sure thing. What do you want, Jaayza?"
"First of all, where have you been keeping yourself, Korto?" // You missed your last two reconnaissance meets, so it's almost a year since you reported in-Master //
"Drop the sarcasm, girl. Safer for me if only I know that. And I don't need a pilot."
"Sure you don't need anything-- tuned up?" // Can't we just talk in private somewhere? //
"My ship is in shape." // Tookarti's got me bugged //
"And the captain--?"
"Turn it off, Jaayza; you had your chance." //I'm too hairy for you, remember?//
"Well, I bet that redhead I saw leaving here tunes you up just fine. Who is she, anyway?" // I cannot believe you're taking my private concern for you that way//
"Khaleen. She's got-- skills." //She's a cat burglar. And she likes my hair.//
"Oh for kark sake." // Does she know you're a Jedi? //
"That's not it at all!" //No// "Don't wave your lekku at me like that, Jaayza--" (puts hand to ear) "aw, kark on it."
"That's her now. She's stuck in a sewer, with the package and a dianoga. Keep talking, Khaleen--"
"Let's go; can't have you losing any packages..."
"Stuff it, Jaayza."
"Oh, you don't need me for that."
"Unless you delay me now!"
"That good, is she? Well hurry up, then! Mustn't keep Korto away from his package."
"That is really getting old." // I can probably handle this myself--Padawan.//
"No way am I staying behind! Your fuzzy buddy might set more thugs on me while I'm waiting." // You can always stand a little backup, Quinlan Vos. //
"Okay, but shut it... No, Khaleen, it's a friend. Your signal is getting stronger; keep the comm open and try not to look edible."
"What's she doing with a package of yours?"
"She just lifted it off a Falleen--Black Sun, no less. Told you she had skills." (running in the direction of signal)
"Impressive..."(concentrates on running) // What's in it? //
// Don't know yet, but it's from Gunray. We need to know // "Khaleen, don't say anything. We're close. If you don't move it might not even notice you... "
(skipping the damsel rescue and monster slaying which, besides having all action and no dialogue, are pretty formulaic (and beyond this author's action-writing skills) and instead of words involve Quin's big blaster rather than light-sabres, so civilian cover not blown. Some time later as they are drying off--)
"Pardon me if I'm babbling, but you know my life flashed before my eyes there, Boss. What is that thing anyway? and by the way I am never ever ever doing anything that Tookarti tells me ever again because I swear, that Falleen knew I had it in less than a minute, I have got to get my orders straight from you after this, Boss--"
"Jaayza's mechanical; she's getting it to play now."
"Uh, Korto, could I talk to you in private?" // Hey, this is really big-- they're invading Kamino! We've got to get this to the Council! //
"No, you could not." // So make a copy. The original has to get where it's going or the op is blown wide open. //
"What did it say, Jaayza?"
"It's a secret message that Republic Security will pay big credits for. And Korto wants to sit on it."
"I didn't say that!" // Do not give me trouble over this, Aayla...//
"Oh? Well what did you say then, Boss?"
"Nothing yet. But that Falleen has to get it back or we are dead, girl. This is Black Sun we are messing with. And it's complicated to get it back to him now that he knows it's gone. Better if he hadn't noticed. Tookarti, where the kark are you?"
"Right here, boss Vos. Hey, how come you guys are all wet?"
//As if he didn't know .// "Never mind that. The package we got from these goons, where are they supposed to take it? And if you don't know, find out!"
"Okay, Boss. But they might notice you not a Falleen."
// Oh yeah, you're way more effective here...Master //
"Just find out. If we can't sneak it back to him, we're all dead. Then who pays you, smart guy?" // Just make your copy, Padawan. //
"Yessir, Boss Vos. (mumbles under breath) --who pays me? who pays me, heheh" (exits whistling shrilly)
"Boss, how did Tookarti know about this message anyhow? Huh?"
"Yes, Khaleen, you are absolutely right, he knows too much about everything for comfort, but who shall we complain to?"
"Well, uh--"
"Do you suggest I get Wheel Security involved?"
"Very funny, boss."
"Right. Leave it to the smugglers to uphold the real law and order, girl. Tookarti's showing himself to be a Separatist sympathizer. He's trying to get us killed so he can sell it back to the Seps before we leak it." //And he heard that, I'm sure//
"Ooh I knew I didn't like him!"
"So we are going to leak it first, then give it back to the Seps, because like most sane smugglers, we are scared of Black Sun."
"But-- won't they kill us anyway?"
"Nah, I'll just blow 'em away like I did the dianoga."
//Oh for cryin' out loud Quin! He's a Force-immune Falleen!// "So I suppose it's up to me to get this to the Republic authorities?-- because I am such a nice little Twi'lek?"
/ /Let me worry about that .// "Yes. You see, Khaleen honey, you and I have records, but Jaayza's a law-abiding, licensed tech. "
"And Korto is going to pay me the money he owes me, plus expenses and mileage off-station, right now before he forgets." // Copy's made. For Force sake take care, Quin. //
"As a matter of fact, I am. Here-- don't spend it all in one spot." // Go with the Force, Aayla //
//Have you been gambling again? //(counting credits) "What about that motivator in Da Soocha?"
//Mind your own business and so will I. // "Count it again-- it's covered."
"Only if you don't give me mileage for that time, Vos." //And mind the civilian as well. //
"Oh, all right, here, Jay Zee." // What do you mean?//
"You're a pal, Korto." // She's in love with you. Civilian attaching to Jedi alert. //
"I know." // Oh karkin' hells-- how could you tell that? //
//Hey, she likes the hair .// (leaves)
"Uh, boss, did you and Jaayza--?"
"None of your business-- but no, I'm not her type."
"Here, honey, go get us some sliders. And actually pay the poor being-- she has kids."